Friday, December 30, 2011

Information On The Legal Designer Steroid Know As Epistane


Other brand names:

As Words

Epistane , Havoc, Hemaguno

What is Epistane?

Epistane is one of the newest designer steroids on the market today, and it is gaining attention very quickly. Epistane is actually a methylated version of the controlled substance Epitiostanol (2±,3±-Epithio-5±-androstan-17²-ol), which was created in the 1960's and used as a treatment for breast cancer. Since the only place Epitiostanol is only availabe at this time is in japan, chemists added a methyl group to the compund and the final product was a substance now known as Epistane. Epistane is a sulfur containing steroid which is known to have strong and long lasting anti-estrogenic activity as well as weak androgenic and mytropic activities.

What you can expect?

Since it is designed to be anti-estrogenic you can expect very dry gains from this compound. Epistane has low androgenic to anabolic activity. This meaning that it is much more anabolic then androgenic. Thus making sides very minimal to non existant from this substance. Also one of the great properties of this substance is that it does a great job in keeping the natural suppression of the gonads away. Since it has anti-estrogenic properties it keeps your LH levels elevated and it is also said both through science and human trial that epistane may have the ability to reduce gyno. This is still a widely debated outcome of epistane but is actually showing more and more positive results as it becomes more popular. Even though users will see dry gains on epistane it does not mean that it would be any insufficient for a bulking cycle. In fact it would be beneficial because it would generate lean gains. Through research it is reported that most users who have taken this substance have gained anywhere from 5-12 lbs in a 3-5 week cycle. Now in my opinion epistane would be better in a cutting cycle to keep the body dry while preserving and potentially add more lean muscle tissue.


Most users run epistane for 1-6 weeks using a dose between 10 and 60 mgs.

You should not run this substance for longer than 6 weeks.

A recommended beginner cycle would be starting at 10 mgs for the first 2 days of the cycle and then running it like this for the rest of the cycle.

Week 1: 10 mgs for the first 2 days then increasing the dose to 20 mgs.

Week 2: 20 mgs

Week 3: 30 mgs

Week 4: 40 mgs- This week should be optional depending on how your body reacts.

While taking epistane you should be aware that it is a methylated compund therefore you should not exceed the proper dosing.

What needs to be taken with Epistane?

Even though epistane has very minimal side effects, you should still use the proper support supplements to make sure your body stays in good health throughout the cycle. Since Epistane is methylated, milk thistle is highly recomended to protect the liver values. It would also be wise to get blood work done after completing a cycle.

Red Yeast Rice- This product is a Fermented Rice product that basicly protects your cardiovascular system from any damage Sostonol that may come from Sostonol.

Celery Seed- Acts as an anti-oxidant which helps reduce blood pressure and also can aid the liver on cycle.

Hawthorne Berry: Also very useful to lower BP and keep it on check. A great on cycle supplement.
Dosage 1000mg ed on cycle.

Milk Thistle (80% standardized Silymarin)- This should be taken all the way through. It should be started as a pre load and be taken all the way through PCT(Post Cycle Therapy).

Also you may want to look further into these products to help with blood pressure and cholesterol regulation / liver and support:

Liver: K-R-ALA, NAC ( N-Acetyl-Cysteine), Lecithin

Cholesterol: Sesathin, Guggul, CoEnzyme Q10*, Flax Seed Oil, Safflower Oil*, Policosanol*, Niacin, Garlic, Pantethine

Blood Pressure: Coenzyme Q10, Garlic ,C-12 Peptide, high-dose vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

Even though epistane does have anti-estrogenic properties, it does not mean that PCT should be avoided. A proper SERM will make sure that your natural hormone levels are back where they were before the cycle.

Here I have outlined the basic Clomid and Nolvadex doses for a proper cycle of Sostonol.

Basic Post Cycle Therapy:

Note: You only need to use one of these serms.


Day 1: 300mg

Day 2-11: 100mg daily

Day 12-21: 50mg daily


week 1: 150mg

week 2: 100

week 3: 50

week 4: 50

If you do not want to use clomid then:


Week 1 (or 2): 40-50 mg daily.

Week 2 (or 3) through week 4 (or 5): 20-25mg daily.


week 1: 40mg daily

week 2: 40mg daily

week 3: 20mg daily

week 4: 20mg daily


I would definitely recommend epistane for both amateur and experienced AAS users because of it's greal lean muscle building properties. Even though it is a great substance to use on its own, I think it would be beneficial to add another substance like Prostanozol, or 1,4 AD which is not a methyl and stack the two. The reasoning behind using a non-methyl while stacking is because epistane is already metyhlated and could be dangerous if used with a methylated Prohormone/Designer Steroid like Superdrol or Halodrol.

Information On The Legal Designer Steroid Know As Epistane

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Cook Bok Choy

Bok choy is a leafy vegetable belonging to the cabbage family. Long familiar to Chinese cooks, and to those who love Chinese food, it is showing up in a wide variety of other types of dishes. In fact, in any recipe in which you would normally use cabbage, you can probably use bok choy.

Nowadays bok choy can be found in most local supermarkets the year around. You might find it spelled as "bak choi" or even "paak choi," but "bok choy" seems to have become the preferred form in North America. Less commonly, it will go under a different name altogether; Chinese mustard cabbage, for example.

As Words

Just as with other green leafy vegetables, you should look for plants that are free of brown spots and that have firm stalks. The stalks themselves will be white in color; the leaves a darkish green.

Bok choy is wonderfully nutritious. It is low in calories--about a dozen in the usual serving. It is also bursting with vitamins A and C. In fact, you could get nearly all of your recommended daily allowance of the latter in one serving of bok choy, and about a third of your RDA of the former.

Bok choy is an easy plant to prepare. Just give it a good rinsing first and you can munch it raw for a healthy afternoon snack, or chop it up and add it to a salad.

Need a quick side dish to a main meal? French-cut the stems into pieces and place them, with the leaves, in a casserole dish. Add a little water, cover the dish, and zap in the microwave for 2 minutes. Remove just the leaves from the dish and zap the stems for 3 more minutes. Season both the leaves and the stems with butter, salt and pepper and serve it all together.

The most common way to cook bok choy is to stir fry it, in a wok or a regular frying pan. Tear or cut the leaves and stems and place in the pan, add three tablespoons of water, and begin heating (use a medium setting) as you stir. Add some cooking oil into which you have strained some fresh garlic. Remove the leaves at the two-minute mark and continue stir frying the stalks for three additional minutes.

After cooking, but before serving, drizzle a little soy sauce or sesame oil over the bok choy.

You can also include bok choy in a more robust stir fry, one that contains shrimp or chicken perhaps, along with bean sprouts, snow peas and other Chinese-restaurant type ingredients.

My main suggestion for bok choy? Experiment! Really, it's hard to go wrong with this versatile vegetable in the kitchen.

How to Cook Bok Choy

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Becoming Like Christ - Through His Word

The word Christian means Christ like - After we get saved, we spend the rest of our lives learning how to take on the character of Christ, to become more like Him. And we learn how through His Word. Abiding in God's Word includes three activities.

God uses the Word, to teach us how to become like Him. Matthew 4:4 tells us we must feed on every word. "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

As Words

Christianity is the only religion in America that is under constant attack by the secular society. The reason is, is that they know that it is the truth. Spiritual growth is the process of replacing lies of the devil, with the truth of the word. Jesus prayed in John 17:17 "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

Sanctification requires knowledge. And knowledge comes through the Word. The Spirit of God (Holy Spirit), uses the Word of God, to make us like the Son of God. To become like Christ, we must fill our lives with his Word. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:17, "that through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us." (The Bible prepares us to do His will).

James I:18 tells us "that God gave us life through the word of truth so we might be the most important of all the things he made". He put us above all other creation. All of creation exists because "God said It." He spoke it all into existence. Without God's Word we would not even be alive.

The Bible is far more than a guidebook that we use for church doctrine. God's Word generates life, creates faith, produces change, frightens the Devil, causes miracles, heals hurts, builds character, changes circumstances, brings joy, overcomes adversity, defeats temptation, infuses hope, releases
power, cleanses our minds, brings things into being, and guarantees our future forever! We cannot live without the Word of God!

ABIDING IN GOD'S WORD. - There are more Bibles in print today than ever before, but a Bible on the shelf is worthless. Millions of believers are plagued with spiritual anorexia, starving to death from spiritual malnutrition. To be a healthy disciple of Jesus, feeding on God's Word must be our first priority. Jesus called it "abiding." He said, in John 8:31-32 " . . . If ye continue in my word (abide), then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."(freedom brings peace)


FIRST ACTIVITY -- I MUST ACCEPT IT'S AUTHORITY -- 2 Tim 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" KJV

The Bible must become the authoritative standard for my life: -- the compass I rely on for direction, -- the counsel I listen to for making wise decisions, -- and the benchmark I use for evaluating everything. The Bible must always have the first and last word in my life.

Many of our troubles occur because we base our choices on unreliable authorities:

1. Culture - "doing what everyone else does"

2. Tradition - "doing what we've always done"

3. Reasoning - "doing what seems logical"

4. Emotion - "doing what feels right"

The most important decision we can make today is, to decide to make "The Word Of God" the ultimate authority in our life. Determined to ask first, "What does the Bible say" when making decisions. Accept when God says to do something. Be determined to trust God's Word and do it whether or not it makes sense or if you feel like doing it.

SECOND ACTIVITY - I MUST ASSIMILATE (ABSORB) ITS TRUTH -- It's not enough to just believe the Bible (even the Devil believes the Bible); I must fill my mind with it so that the Holy Spirit can change me with the truth (make me more like Jesus). If we have no knowledge, the Holy Spirit has no tools to teach us.

There are five ways to assimilate the Word.

A. RECEIVE GOD'S WORD -- And listen and accept it with an open, receptive attitude. The parable of the sower illustrates how our receptiveness determines whether or not God's Word takes root in our lives and bears fruit (see Luke 8:4-15).. Jesus identified three unreceptive attitudes.

HARD SOIL (a closed mind) - SHALLOW SOIL (a superficial mind) - SOIL WITH WEEDS (a distracted mind). - and then he said in Luke 8:18 "To consider carefully how you listen." Anytime you feel you are not learning anything from a sermon or a Bible teacher, you should check your attitude.

What is bearing fruit? Essentially, it is becoming like Jesus. Spiritual fruit will show itself in our lives as a change in our character and outlook. As we spend time with Jesus and get to know Him better, His thoughts will become our thoughts. His purpose will become our purpose. We will become like Him.

B. READ GOD'S WORD - " Like newborn babes," the Aspostle Peter wrote, "crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" (1 Peter 2:2) -- Millions of us have access to the Bible. In spite of this, many believers are more faithful to reading their daily newspaper then their Bibles. Or they think what they get at church is sufficient. Or we watch television for three hours, then read the Bible for three minutes and expect to grow. We should establish a daily Bible reading plan.

C. RESEARCH AND STUDY GOD'S WORD - The difference between reading and studying the Bible involves two additional activities: asking questions of the text and writing down your thoughts. You will discover far more if you pause and ask such simple questions as who? what? when? where? why? and how? Surround yourself with study aids and don't be afraid to ask others for their input.

The Bible says in James 1:25 "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty (the Word), and continueth therein (Takes time to see and examine the state of his soul, the grace of his God), he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."

D. REMEMBER GOD'S WORD - We often think we have a poor memory, but the truth is, we remember what is important to us. If God's Word is important to you, you will take time
to remember it. There are enormous benefits to memorizing Bible verses. It will help you resist temptation, make wise decisions, reduce stress, build confidence, offer good advice, and share your faith with others.

Col 3:16 tells us "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; . . ." (Remember what Christ taught and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise)

E. REFLECT ON GOD'S WORD - The Bible calls it meditation, which is focused thinking. It takes serious effort. If you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate. Worry is focused thinking on something negative. Meditation is doing the same thing, only focusing on God's Word instead of your problem. No other habit can do more to transform your life and make you more like Jesus than daily reflection on Scripture.

One of the reasons God called David "a man after his own heart" is that David loved to reflect on God's Word. He said in Ps 119:97 "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day."

THIRD ACTIVITY - I MUST APPLY IT'S PRINCIPLES -- Receiving, reading, researching, remembering, and reflecting on the Word are all useless if we fail to put them into practice. The Bible says we must become "doers of the Word." This is the hardest step of all, because Satan fights it so intensely. He doesn't mind you going to Bible studies as long as you don't do anything with what you learn.

Matthew 7:24 "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:"

To become more like Christ we must: Read God's Word -- Accept It - Absorb It and Apply It.

Visit our website today, and enjoy the many free tools that are available to assist you with your spiritual growth, professional Christian counseling, answers to frequently asked questions, daily news articles that affects Christians, political information and assistance with starting your personal "Bridge Ministry".

Becoming Like Christ - Through His Word

Thursday, December 22, 2011

History of Mascots

Background of Mascots

The history of mascots dates back to cavemen and early societies who hunted for their livelihood. Early accounts of masked creatures, often resembling animals were drawn or etched on cave walls and depicted in ancient art. Totem poles were filled with likenesses of animals in ancient cultures. These likenesses are much like the concept of the team mascots evident on football fields and basketball courts. Usually in ancient times the history of mascots' shows that these likenesses were often worshiped. This was especially true during times of hunting and harvest. Ancient tribal people would dress up in the likeness of animals or those on totem poles to incite goodwill from them. They believed this would help with successful hunts and bountiful harvests. Also, ancient cultures would dress up in masks or animal like figures for purposes of fertility. Many would dance in the "mascot" like costume to bring about fertility for people in their tribe or village.

As Words

Evolution of Mascots

Society has come a long way in its current version of mascots. Mascots as we know them today have been in the same style and incarnation since the 1800's. They began to spring up on high school and college playing fields during that era. Often live animals were used as the official mascots of teams, and athletes were proudly wearing a patch with the mascot on their uniform. The maintenance and upkeep of live animals became costly and cumbersome, so they were largely eliminated. They evolved to resemble the puppet-like versions we see today.

They've got Personality

Mascots are now seen as artists and entertainers with traits that now make it an art form. They have come to be an embodiment of what the team is and may correlate to the location of the team, or some other overriding characteristic that makes the team unique. Effective mascots do not learn their stage presence from a classroom. Having the ability to become one with the character and reflect this through physical action is crucial to being a believable mascot. The person must be able to put their individuality aside and really get into character. Mascots are especially popular with children. They need to act in a way that is child-friendly and not intimidating.

The more personable a mascot is, the more approachable they will be. Plus they will be well-received by fans of all ages. The position of mascot wields a lot of power over crowds at games. They have the ability to either really involve the crowd in the game, or make a poor attempt and cause the crowd to turn on them.

Mascots as Symbols

Throughout the history of mascots, symbology is a major component that keeps rising to the surface. Mascots are often tagged with names that indicate gender and/or certain attributes. For example, a mascot called Robbie the Rabbit would indicate a male rabbit that is fast on its feet. This does a lot to create an image in the mind of fans and anyone thinking about the particular team the mascot represents. Fans will also come to expect the mascot to react in consistent and specific ways to them on a continual basis.

If a mascot has a habit of doing a certain dance, fans may be disappointed if the mascot decides not to do the famous dance on game day. It is a unique job and the rich history of mascots continues to unfold as time goes by. It is a position that requires creativity, consistency, individuality, and strong symbology. Mascots may not be worshiped like they were in ancient societies, but they are powerful images etched upon the minds of fans everywhere. Many times the team is synonymous with the mascot itself.

History of Mascots

Monday, December 19, 2011

Life As a Boy - Erections

When you're a boy, erections are both welcomed and feared simultaneously. By the time a boy gets to be a legal adult, this physical phenomenon isn't too mysterious, but for a young, impressionable and hormone-flooded youngster, it seems like the penis can have a life of its own, and that life seems to be determined to humiliate the lad as much as possible.

Are Testicles Necessary?

As Words

Testicles do not descend outwardly until a boy is entering puberty, so there is a common misconception that the youngster is incapable of getting an erection until then. Although testicles are necessary for the production of sperm, they are not necessary for an erection, which is caused by sudden blood flow to the penis.

Studies have shown that, even while still in the womb, a boy erection is a regular event. Even after birth, baby boys often startle diaper-changers with their erections. This is perfectly normal and doesn't mean the baby is sexually precocious. As any man will grudgingly tell you, you don't have to be sexually aroused in order to get an erection.

Peer Pressure

While growing up, children generally like to be considered as a normal kid. Anything that makes them look strange is usually ridiculed by other kids. Also, because the boy is young and not used to dealing with public embarrassment, being teased can be a very intense time. A boy erection in gym class or in public is a more often occurring event than an individual boy may think and usually happens to any man.

Anything that causes a sudden rush of blood to fill up the vessels in the penis will cause an erection. Physical exercise or even taking a shower can trigger the process. Unlike girls, which are usually shielded from being naked in front of other girls, boys often have to take communal showers and, through the use of the public urinal, have to expose themselves to some extent. This makes a boy more open to ridicule for a physical reason.

What's Normal?

Because of many social taboos on talking about boy erections in public, young boys can often feel as if they are somehow cured or abnormal for getting an erection at an inopportune moment. There does tend to be a big fear that somehow they are sick, diseased or somehow abnormal. Well, it is perfectly normal to think you or your genitalia are abnormal.

There doesn't seem to be a normal amount of times that a boy should get an erection in a usual day or night. What's normal for you is not necessarily going to be normal for anybody else. The only times a boy needs to consult a doctor are when the erections are somehow very painful or if he discovers a lump on his genitals.

Life As a Boy - Erections

Friday, December 16, 2011

How Skype Works

Skype is a software application that allows you to make free phone calls to more than 75 million people worldwide, and shockingly cheap calls to practically everywhere else on Earth! As a result of that, Skype has become the fastest growing service in the history of the Internet. Recently, the company was acquired by eBay, another step forward towards achieving the final goal of making Skype the world's largest communication company.

Skype is easy to install and use. It allows its users to make crystal clear calls, regardless of their location, send instant messages, switch seamlessly between text and voice communication, make video calls, conference calls, transfer files, call landlines and cell phones for a fraction of the cost of a traditional call. Skype is truly making a revolution in the way we communicate.

As Words

But how does it actually work? This article focuses on describing the Skype network and the technology behind it.

Skype is a type of peer-to-peer Voice-Over-IP client, based on the Kazaa file sharing program. The developers of Skype claim that it provides better voice quality than similar applications like MSN and Yahoo Messenger. It also encrypts calls end-to-end.

There are two types of machines in the Skype network - ordinary host (Skype Client) and Super Node (SN). An ordinary host is the computer of a regular user who has the application installed and connects to the network in order to communicate with other users. The Super Nodes are the end-point of ordinary hosts in the network. In other words, ordinary hosts connect to the Super Nodes. Any computer with a public IP and proper hardware configuration can be a SN. An ordinary host must connect to a super node and must register itself with the Skype login server for a successful login. The Skype login server is the only central unit in the whole network. It stores the usernames and respective passwords of all Skype users. Nslookups have shown that this server is located in Denmark. All Super Nodes connect to the login server in attempt to verify the username password of the client. It stores your Skype Name, your e-mail address, and an encrypted representation of your password.

If you are a regular Skype user, then your computer is considered an 'ordinary host' that connects to a Super Node. The Super Nodes are servers, located in different parts of the world. But your Skype client, must know to which SN it has to connect. Therefore, every Skype client (SC) maintains a local table that contains the IPs and corresponding ports of Super Nodes. This is called a host cache and it stored in the Windows Registry of the given SC. So basically, every time you load up Skype, it reads the date from the host cache, takes the first IP and port from there and tries to connect to this SN. If the connection fails for some reason (the SN is offline; it is no longer part of the network, etc) then it reads the next line from the table. In case it fails to connect to any of the IPs listed, the Skype returns a login error upon start-up. Hence, the host cache must contain at least one valid entry in order for the application to connect to the network and work properly. Valid entry means an IP address and port number of an online Super Node. The path to the table in the Windows Registry is HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / SKYPE / PHONE / LIB / CONNECTION / HOSTCACHE. You can verify that on your computer by opening the Start menu, then click Run and enter 'regedit', without the dashes. Of course, the exact path could be different in the next versions of the application.

As a concept, Super Nodes were introduced in the third-generation P2P networks. They allow improved search performance, reduced file-transfer latency, network scalability, and the ability to resume interrupted downloads and simultaneously download segments of one file from multiple peers. Basically, they help ordinary hosts connect to each other and guide efficiently the encrypted network traffic.

Super Nodes are also responsible for the 'Global Indexing'. This technology enables you to search for other users in the network. The company guarantees that it will find a user if he has registered and has logged in during the last 72 hours.

A very interesting moment about the Skype network is that it 'self-modifiable'. If you have the application installed, your computer may turn into a Super Node, without you even knowing it, because those capabilities don't have a noticeable impact on a computer's performance. SNs basically store the addresses of up to several hundred Skype users, without carrying any voice, text or file-transfer data. In that manner, the more Skype users come online, the more supernodes become available to expand the capacity of the network.

Skype routes the traffic intelligently by choosing the optimum data transfer path. Since it uses either TCP or UDP protocol, it breaks the whole data stream into separate packets, which can take different paths to the end destination. The final arrangement is done at the receiving end.

As far as safety and privacy are concerned, Skype uses Advanced Encryption Standard, known as Rijndel, used also by the U.S. Government organizations to protect sensitive data. Skype uses 256-bit encryption.

The programmers of Skype have implemented wideband codecs which allows it to maintain a good sound quality at a bandwidth of 32kb/s and allow frequencies between 5-8,000Hz to pass trough.

Your list of contacts, the application stores in the Windows Registry. This is called the Buddy list and once again, it is digitally encrypted. So, the list is local for every machine, or in other words, it's not downloaded from the central server.

Let's briefly describe the tasks of the Skype client. First it connects to the network. It then listens on particular ports for incoming calls, refreshes the host cache table, uses wideband codecs, maintains the buddy list, encrypts messages and determines if there is a firewall or not.

The login process:

The login process is the most important one and it consists of several phases. As mentioned, SC must connect to a valid SN in order to authenticate the username and password with the Central Server.

Skype gets the fist IP from the host cache, sends it a UDP packet and waits for response. If there is no response after 5 seconds, it sends a TCP packet to the same IP. It tries to establish a TCP connection to the HC IP address and port 80 (HTTP port). If still unsuccessful, it tried to connect to IP address and port 443 (HTTPS port). If this does not work either, it reads the next address in the HC. If Skype is unable to connect to a SN, it will report a login failure.

The application comes with several build-in addresses of different nodes, called bootstrap super nodes.

If the connection attempt is successful, the client must authenticate the user name and password with the Skype login server, which holds all user names and passwords and makes sure they are unique across the whole network. When the application connects to an SN, it receives an up-to-date list of other active SNs, so it has the most current information.

The Media Transfer process:

The video/voice communication through Skype is established through UDP. The trick here is that quite often, one of the users is behind a firewall or a router, hence it doesn't have a real IP address. But if both Skype clients are on real IPs, then the media traffic flows directly between them over UDP. The size of the voice packet is 67 bytes, which is actually the size of UDP payload. One second conversation results in roughly 140 voice packets being exchanged both ways, or 3-16 kilobytes/s.

If one of the callee or both of them do not have a public IP, then they send voice traffic to another online Skype node over UDP or TCP. The developers of Skype have preferred to use UDP for voice transmission as much as possible.

An interesting fact is that even if both sides are not speaking, voice packets will still be flowing between them. The purpose of these so called 'silent packages' is to keep the connection alive.


There are several factors responsible for the success of Skype. First of all, the voice quality is better compared to other applications. It works without a problem on computers with firewall. It is very easy to install and use. Skype's security is also a big advantage. Everything that is being transferred across the network is being encrypted to ensure privacy. As a result of that, even if hackers intercept the data being transferred, they won't be able to decode it.

The Skype application does not include any adware or spyware. But, there are cases when third parties have managed to add such functionalities (not only for Skype), so it's really important that you download it from the right place. Therefore, do it either from the official website, or from respected sites as

How Skype Works

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Words For Food in Filipino

The need for food is as basic and as necessary as the need for oxygen. Everyday our bodies remind us of the need to eat. Moreover, when you neglect to feed your body, hunger pangs tell you that you need to eat. Food serves as the fuel that gives us the energy and provides our body with the nutrients to function properly.

In the Filipino language, food is called "pagkain." There are a lot of native delicacies that can be found in the different regions in the country. If you go to Pampanga, there you will find "longganisa," which the Filipino version of sausage. Cebu City is popular for its dried fish called "danggit." The Bicol region offers a specialty called "laing," a kind of food cooked in coconut milk with lots of chili. When you visit Quezon, you will discover "pansit hab-hab," the Philippine's fried noodles which are placed on a leaf. Nueva Ecija is popular for its "pinakbet" which is a mixture of various vegetables cooked with fish sauce. Going to Ilocos, you will discover "bagnet," the region's cured meat.

As Words

Aside from native delicacies, street food, point-point, and pika-pika are quite popular. We will say what point-point and pika-pika are further on in the article.

On the streets of the Philippines, you will find vendors selling boiled duck egg known as "balut," and you'll also find boiled eggs with an orange coating called "kwe-kwek." Other street food sold include grilled dishes known as "ihaw-ihaw." Grilled chicken intestine is also available and it is called "isaw." To quench your thirst you can also find a juice known as "palamig." These juices come in a variety of flavors.

In the Philippines one will find "point-point" as mentioned earlier; which are also known as "turo-turo." Point-point / turo-turo are small cafeterias where the customers have to point to the precooked meals of the day and then they are served the meal that they have chosen.

If you visit the Philippines, you might hear the term "pika-pika" which is used when speaking about finger foods;the type of food that are light snacks. For instance, there is a food known as "chicharon." Chicharon is a crunchy snack made from fried chicken or the skin of an animal and it is usually dipped in vinegar before being eaten.

The primary meals in the country are "umagahan" which is the word for "breakfast." The second meal of the day is "tanghalian" which is the word for "lunch." Lunch often consists of cooked rice, fried vegetables, fish or other types of meat. Dinner is served later in the day and in Tagalog the word for "dinner" is "hapunan." At dinner-time steamed rice, vegetables, and fried fish or meat are usually prepared.

Rice is a staple food so you will find that a typical Filipino breakfast consists of fried eggs, along with some rice which is frequently fried. You can also find that this is served with fish or meat which can be translated in Filipino as "pritong itlog," "sinangag," "isda," and "karne," respectively. The karne (meat) served can include "manok" (chicken), or "karne ng baka" (beef meat).

There are many types of food and fruits found in the Philippines. If you are visiting the country for the first time, you should consider experiencing the unique Filipino cuisine. A trip to the Philippines can be made more interesting by trying out what is available and exploring some of the new and great food.

Words For Food in Filipino

Sunday, December 11, 2011

How a Guy Tells You He Loves You Without Saying the Words

Most men get uncomfortable when it comes to talking about their feelings. This discomfort is intensified when applied to relationships. Many men feel awkward or vulnerable whenever they have to express their affection verbally. As such, they choose not to talk about it. Fortunately, their actions give you a clue about how they feel.

You know that a man loves you for sure if he exhibits specific body language. Here are some of them:

As Words

1. He looks straight into your eyes.

A guy who looks at you without fidgeting is looking for a deeper connection. It also shows that he has nothing to hide from you. He's letting you see him as he is. Moreover, he wants you to be certain that you show the same interest when you look back at him. It's important for him to know that you reciprocate his feelings.

2. He always finds a way to get close to you.

When a guy makes sure that he's close enough to touch you, you can be certain that he wants to be with you. He will hold your hand, play with your hair or touch your arm. Then, when you talk, he leans in to listen to you. He doesn't want to miss what you're saying. Don't be surprised if he can quote you word for word.

3. He makes sure that you're safe.

A guy who genuinely cares about your welfare thinks about protecting you from all sorts of danger. When you're crossing the street, he makes sure that you're on the least dangerous side. He also checks on your seatbelt and ensures that the locks on your doors are all fine.

4. He goes out of his way to keep you comfortable.

Anticipating your needs is a sure sign that a guy values your presence in his life. He will get your coat when you feel cold, fix you a drink when you're thirsty and carry your heavy bag or groceries for you.

5. He always follows you with his eyes.

Even after you've said goodbye, a guy who has sincere intentions will keep looking at you as you walk away. It's as if he doesn't want to let you out of his sight. When he's the one who is leaving, he will keep looking back at you.

As the saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words." This is especially true when it comes to men who are in love.

How a Guy Tells You He Loves You Without Saying the Words

Friday, December 9, 2011

Book Writing - Using Styles in Microsoft Word

When writing a book, and submitting it to a publisher it is important to give your manuscript a professional look. The best way I've found to do that is by using styles.

Some people may tell you that MS Word is not the best program to use for a book manuscript, but it is the program most users have on their computer, and Word is a format accepted by most publishers. Publishers have their own typesetters and use book set up programs they like best. Since Word is easy to use and has a lot of good features for writers, I'll share some tips about using styles in Word.

As Words

You will use a variety of formatting styles in writing a book:

* chapter headings

* page headers and footers

* Body text

* italicized text

* underlined

* works cited/bibliography

* table of contents

* bullet points

* hyperlinks

To set a style, go to format on your tool bar. Click on styles and formatting, then click new style. A box will open and you will give the style a name such as regular book text, italic book text, etc. You may change the style type in the drop-down boxes below. For example, you may want body text to follow your chapter headings.

If you want your newly created style to be available next time you open a new document. You will need to add it to the template. While you have the window open, look at the bottom of the dialogue box, check the box for "add to template" and "automatically update". This means that whenever you decide to change something to one section of text, Word will automatically change all sections of text which have been assigned that particular style. Don't close the box yet. There's more to do.

Now click on the format button on the left side of the dialogue box. Set your font and paragraph or any other feature you need such as tabs or bullet styles. Click ok to close.

Now highlight an area of text that you want to assign to the style you just created. On the toolbar just below "file" in the upper left side of your Word document there is a box next to the font type that you may have noticed and wondered what it is for. This box has a drop down menu from which to choose a style. In the list, find the style you just created and click on it. Close the box. The highlighted text will then be formatted to the style you just specified.

You can modify the style at any time by going to "format" on your toolbar at the top of your document screen. Select styles and formatting which will open another window. There is a list of all the styles you have available to choose from. Right click on the style you want to modify and use the regular toolbar to make the changes.

I'll be teaching a class on the advanced features of Microsoft's Word program, so be sure to check my blog for information on upcoming classes and events.

Book Writing - Using Styles in Microsoft Word

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Four Personality Types and the Words That Motivate Them

Before you can learn to persuade, you'll need to understand the psychology of human motivation. What makes a person tick? What makes a person take risks? What makes a person try alternatives? What makes a person want to expand a comfort zone?

Psychologists have identified four distinct personality types: Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholic and Choleric. Everyone leans towards one of these types. If you can learn to understand what excites, motivates, irritates and frustrates these different personality types, you'll be well on your way to helping people to listen to you. So you should probably consider how each personality type reacts to words, and attempt to use words that each type responds to well.

As Words

Sanguine personalities agree to take action when they believe the action will give them approval, attention, or fun. Choleric personalities agree to take action when they believe the action will help them to achieve their goals, save them time, or give them control over their destiny. Melancholic personalities agree to take action only after they've analyzed all options and observed all data. They like to organize their thoughts, reach obvious conclusions and live an orderly life. And finally, phlegmatic personalities agree to take action only when they believe that the action will benefit those they love, keep people happy, make situations run smoothly and bring harmony into the lives of everyone around them.

Here are a few words that motivate each personality type:








Picture this

You want it?

Looks great

Latest thing



No hurry

No risk






Try it out





Try it



What do you think?


Cutting edge

Get it done

Right away









Data shows


Does it make sense?

Give these words a try, and you'll be amazed at how effective they are. But be careful, if you use Choleric words on Phlegmatic people, you'll only make them nervous. If you use Sanguine words on Melancholic people, their brains may not compute. If you use Melancholic words on Sanguine people, you'll never keep their attention. And if you try Phlegmatic words on Choleric people, they'll think you're wasting their time. However, if you can learn to speak the languages of the various types correctly, your words will have amazing impact...

Four Personality Types and the Words That Motivate Them

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Solving Algebra Word Problems Made Easy With a Lucid Explanation of the Method With Examples

Equations are frequently used to solve practical problems.

The steps involved in the method of solving an algebra word problem are as follows.

As Words

STEP 1 :

Read the problem carefully and note down what is given and what is required.

STEP 2 :

Select a letter or letters say x (and y ) to represent the unknown quantity(ies) asked for.

STEP 3 :

Represent the word statements of the problem in the symbolic language step by step.

STEP 4 :

Look for quantities which are equal as per conditions given and form an equation or equations.

STEP 5 :

Solve the equation(s) obtained in step 4.

STEP 6 :

Check the result for making sure that your answer satisfies the requirements of the problem.

EXAMPLE 1 (on Linear equations in one variable)

Statement of the Problem :

One fifth of a number of butterflies in a garden are on jasmines and one third of them are on roses. Three times the difference of the butterflies on jasmines and roses are on lilys.If the remaining one is flying freely, find the number of butterflies in the garden.

solution to the problem :

Let x be the number of butterflies in the garden.

As per data, Number of butterflies on jasmines = x/5. Number of butterflies on roses = x/3.

Then difference of the butterflies on jasmines and roses = x/3 -x/5

As per data Number of butterflies on lilys = Three times the difference of the butterflies on jasmines and roses = 3(x/3 - x/5)

As per data, Number of butterflies flying freely = 1.

So, number of butterflies in the garden = x = Number of butterflies on jasmines + Number of butterflies on roses + Number of butterflies on lilys + Number of butterflies flying freely = x/5 + x/3 + 3(x/3 - x/5) + 1.

So, x = x/5 + x/3 + 3(x/3) - 3(x/5) + 1.

This is the Linear Equation formed by converting the given word statements to the symbolic language.

Now we have to solve this equation.

x = x/5 + x/3 + x - 3x/5 + 1

Cancelling x which is present on both sides, we get

0 = x/5 + x/3 - 3x/5 + 1

L.C.M. of the denominators 3, 5 is (3)(5) = 15.

Multiplying both sides of the equation with 15, we get

15(0) = 15(x/5) + 15(x/3) - 15(3x/5) + 15(1) i.e. 0 = 3x + 5x - 3(3x) + 15.

i.e. 0 = 8x - 9x + 15 i.e. 0 = -x + 15 i.e. 0 + x = 15 i.e. x = 15.

Number of butterflies in the garden = x = 15. Ans.


Number of butterflies on jasmines = x/5 = 15/5 = 3.

Number of butterflies on roses = x/3 = 15/3 = 5.

Number of butterflies on lilys = 3(5 - 3) = 3(2) = 6.

Number of butterflies flying freely = 1.

Total butterflies = 3 + 5 + 6 + 1. = 15. Same as the Ans.(verified.)

EXAMPLE 2 (on Linear Equations in Two Variables)

Statement of the problem :

A and B each have a certain number of marbles. A says to B, " if you give 30 to me, I will have twice as many as left with you." B replies "if you give me 10, I will have thrice as many as left with you." How many marbles does each have?

Solution to the problem :

Let x be the number of marbles A has. And Let y be the number of marbles B has. If B gives 30 to A, then A has x + 30 and B has y - 30.

By data, When this happens, A has twice as many as left with B.

So, x + 30 = 2(y - 30) = 2y - 2(30) = 2y - 60. i.e. x - 2y = -60 - 30

i.e. x - 2y = -90 ..........(i)

If A gives 10 to B, then A has x - 10 and B has y + 10.

By data, When this happens, B has thrice as many as left with A.

So, y + 10 = 3(x - 10) = 3x - 3(10) = 3x - 30 i.e. y - 3x = -30 -10

i.e. 3x - y = 40 ...........(ii)

Equations (i) and (ii) are the Linear Equations formed by converting the given word statements to the symbolic language.

Now we have to solve these simultaneous equations. To solve (i) and (ii), Let us make y coefficients same.

(ii)(2) gives 6x - 2y = 80 ...........(iii)

x - 2y = -90 ..........(i)

Subtracting (i) from (iii), we get 5x = 80 - (-90) = 80 + 90 = 170

i.e. x = 170/5 = 34. Using this in Equation (ii), we get 3(34) - y = 40

i.e. 102 - y = 40 i.e. - y = 40 - 102 = -62 i.e. y = 62.

Thus A has 34 marbles and B has 62 marbles. Ans.


If B gives 30 to A from his 62, then A has 34 + 30 = 64 and B has 62 - 30 = 32. Twice 32 is 64. (verified.)

If A gives 10 to B from his 34, then A has 34 - 10 = 24 and B has 62 + 10 = 72. Thrice 24 is 72. (verified.)

EXAMPLE 3 (on Quadratic Equations)

Statement of the Problem.

A cyclist covers a distance of 60 km in a given time. If he increases his speed by 2 kmph, he will cover the distance one hour before. Find the original speed of the cyclist.

Solution to the Problem :

Let the original speed of the cyclist be x kmph.

Then, the time cyclist takes to cover a distance of 60 km = 60/x

If he increases his speed by 2 kmph, the time taken = 60/(x + 2)

By data, the second time is less than the first by 1 hour.

So, 60/(x + 2) = 60/x - 1

Multiplying both sides with (x + 2)(x), we get

60x = 60(x + 2) - 1(x+ 2)x = 60x + 120 - x^2 - 2x

i.e. x^2 + 2x - 120 = 0

Comparing this equation with ax^2 + bx + c = 0, we get

a = 1, b = 2 and c = -120

We know by Quadratic Formula, x = {- b ± square root(b^2 - 4ac)}/2a

Applying this Quadratic Formula here, we get

x = {- b ± square root(b^2 - 4ac)}/2a

= [-2 ± square root{ (2)^2 - 4(1)( -120)}]/2(1)

= [-2 ± square root{ 4 + 4(1)(120)}]/2

= [-2 ± square root{4(1 + 120)}]/2 = [-2 ± square root{4(121)}]/2

= [-2 ± 2(11)}]/2 = -1±11 = -1+11 or -1-11 = 10 or -12

But x can not be negative. So, x = 10.

So, The original speed of the cyclist = x kmph. = 10 kmph. Ans.

Solving Algebra Word Problems Made Easy With a Lucid Explanation of the Method With Examples

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Recover Word 2003 Password With Word Password Recovery Tool

Every coin has two sides. Microsoft Word 2003 gives us the option to set a password on documents. The good news is we can protect our document's security and prevent unlawful users from accessing your personal documents, but the bad news is you can easily forget or lost a document's security code.

So it is critical that you remember your Word cryptogram. If you forget it, Microsoft cannot retrieve it. Now follow this tutorial to remove/change word 2003 cryptogram, and recover word 2003 password if you have forgotten or lost the cryptogram.

As Words

Remove or change password protection from Word 2003 document:

Note: Removing password for your Word 2003 document is based on the premise that you have used the password to open the protected document. If you forgot Word password, you have to remove protecting form your word document with Word password recovery tool firstly.

Step 1: Open the protecting word file, on the "Tools" menu, click "Options", and then click "Security". The placeholder symbols, usually appears as either asterisks (*) or bullets in the Password to open box or the Password to modify box that represent the existing document's cryptogram.

Step 2: Do one of the following:

To remove word 2003 protecting, delete the highlighted symbols, and then click "OK" to exit the "Options" windows. To change word 2003 cryptogram, type the new password, and then click "OK". Reenter the new cryptogram and then click "OK".

Step 3: Re-save the document.

Recover Word password with third-party software

A number of password retrieve applications are available online for recovering word protecting if you forgot or lost the word security code. Below is some of them:

Word Password Recovery 5.0 is one of the most popular Password Retrieve tool in the market, which helps to recover word protecting for opening or modifying of all versions from 97 to 2007. Office Password Recovery 5.0 is an all-in one password retrieve tool which can not only recover word protecting, but also other MS Office application such as Excel spreadsheets and Access databases. Password Recovery Bundle is a must-have password retrieve tool which can not only recover word protecting but also recover your windows, other MS office application, Email as well as IE browser password.

Step 1: Download and install Word Password Recovery 5.0, Office Password Recovery 5.0 or Password Recovery Bundle. Save the file to your computer, double-click the exe file and then click Install.
Step 2: Launch the password retrieve software and click "Open." Select your Word 2003 document that is password protected from the menu.
Step 3: Click Start. The software will begin its process, which may take hours depending on the length and complex of your cryptogram. When the program successfully recovered word password, the open cryptogram will displayed on the "File Opening Password" dialog.

How to Recover Word 2003 Password With Word Password Recovery Tool

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wedding Toasts: Only 3 Words Matter

A wedding toast can be a scary thing, especially if you aren't used to standing up and talking in front of large groups of people.

To make matters worse, you will probably be delivering your wedding toast when you are tired and you might have had a little too much to drink.

As Words

Add this to the fact that the video camera is going to be zoomed in to catch every facial expression and every syllable you say and you've got one tough situation to deal with.

So how can you make sure your wedding toast will be one that will enhance the entire wedding experience and not make you look foolish? Three words are the answer:

Research, Preparation and Practice

Research - This means you need to check out many other toasts so you can pick something that matches your sentiments for the bride and groom.

Preparation - This is where you adapt a stock toast and personalize it for your bride and groom, parents, grandparents or whomever you want to honor.

Practice - This is the part where most people slack off. Your lips don't always go where your mind tells them and you certainly don't want to flub this up.

Plan in advance as far as you can and don't skip any of the above steps.

You'll rarely be the hit of a wedding because of your wedding toast and rightfully so. The bride and groom are the stars. But, poor preparation of your wedding toast certainly could make you the laughing stock.

Remember, you are going to perform your wedding speech live, but you'll be on video forever. Take the time to prepare.

Wedding Toasts: Only 3 Words Matter

Friday, November 25, 2011

Counter Intelligence: Accurate Words to Describe Our Dealings with Islamic Terrorists!


Although politicians and so-called "Intelligence Experts" are the ones appearing on TV, discussing and relaying the news on the War or Terror, they are far from the ones who actually have anything to do with the war on terror. As in the past so it is today, the real planning in the war on terror goes on in covert ops-rooms by the real "Spooks" from the three letter agencies: CIA, MIA, ISI, MI-5, MI-6, GRU and the FSB, just to name a few of the major players.

As Words

The sad truth is that these spook agencies are in the large, responsible for the effectiveness' of the major Islamic terrorist groups. The tactical planning, the CQB skills and the weapon and explosive knowledge of these Islamic terrorists, are largely courtesy of the spook agencies.

I am not arguing that the spook agencies are directly responsible for the terrorist acts, carried out by these Islamic terror groups. But that with a bit of common sense and forward planning, they should have realized the future evils they where helping to create. Old wisdom say it all, "When you lie with dogs, you get fleas" translated into modern languages that even a mission-oriented spook should be able to understand, the old wisdom says "When you train terrorists, innocent civilians get killed"

Prior to and during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, the US spook agencies saw in their infinite wisdom the Mujahadeen, as a means to an end. The support of the Mujahadeen forces were initiated by the Carter administration, prior to the Soviet invasion and was increased by the Reagan administration. During both administrations, intelligence agents from the CIA and MIA went to Afghanistan by way of the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI, to make secret contributions in forms of funds, weapons and training to the Afghani resistance fighters.

The strategic plan was to stir up a rebellion against the Afghan government, which would result in the influx of Soviet troops. After the "Soviet Invasion" the purpose was to help the Afghani resistance fighting the Soviet forces. The objective of the plan was to ensure that the occupation would be very costly, for the Soviet army in funds and life's. This wisdom of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" was arguably not a new idea as it has been an ideology of warfare, from the dawn of time. Training and supporting your enemies enemy, was the big thing during the cold war, from Asia to Africa, from the Middle East to South America, is was the tactic favoured by the Super Powers, their allies and their foes.

However, the Intelligence agents were soon to discover that, the Afghanis where in general a untrustworthy ally, who would only follow a set plan as long as they did not have other plans on the sideline. Unfortunately, they always had plans on the side which had a tendency to become the most important plan, plans that at least most of the time came ahead of fighting the Russians. Inter-Tribal feuds where constantly flaring, this in turn led to an unstable situation where military and political alliances changed faster than a "prostitute" did sheets.

This is where the "spooks" came up with a solution which still haunts us today, they decided to direct the Pakistani ISI, to focus most of their training and supplies on the Arab Mujahadeen or jihadist's, who had more zeal for the fight against the Russians.

The Afghan warlords continued to receive the majority of the cash flowing from the spook agencies, but it was the radical Islamic Arabs that got the real training and in return they delivered. The mighty Red Army was forced to retreat in shame and defeat. Russia had met its Afghanistan, as Napoleon had met his Waterloo and the US had met its Vietnam; the spooks of the west had won the decade.

The Spooks success caused a stir in the Soviet "Empire of Evil", within a few years the Soviet Empire where defeated by stratagem and replaced by a "democratic" Russia. So one might say we owe the spooks congratulations on such a worthy contribution to human history. Had it not been for the minor fact, that the CIA/ISI trained Mujahadeen turned into the infamous terror groups, associated with Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda Group.

The Al Qaeda group has in its relatively short terrorist lifespan, turned into the "Olympic Champion" of terror. The Al Qaeda group has staged very few attacks compared to other known terrorist groups, however Al Qaeda has blown the scale when it comes to fatalities and injures caused by terrorist attacks. From January 1998 to December 2003, Al Qaeda only caused a measly 0,1% of all terrorist incidents, grotesquely though the 0,1% of attacks caused 29% of the fatalities and 22% of the injuries inflicted by all terrorist acts in the same time span!

One would think that Russia's experience in the Soviet-Afghan war, would have taught it that radical Islamic fighters are neither just the enemy of your enemy, but also your enemy. However the GRU (Russia's military intelligence unit) fell prey to the same short sightedness as the CIA did, in 1994 they trained and funded mercenaries to fight in Abkhazia, among them where a number of militant Islamic Chechens. The purpose of the clandestine operation were to destabilize the Abkhazian region, in order to weaken the Government of Georgia who sought total separation from Russia. Among those militants were Shamil Basayev, a name the Russians will never again forget although they are more than willing to forget that they trained him.

Shamil Basayev started his guerrilla/terrorist campaign in 1991, when he masterminded the hijacking of a passenger plane from the town of Mineralnye Vody, the plane was flown to Turkey where the hostages where freed. An agreement ensured the Chechens free passage back to Chechnya. Bolstered by his hijacking success Basayev started his guerrilla campaign, gaining combat experience by fighting in the regions many conflicts with the Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh, against the Georgians in Abkhazia and against the Russians in Chechnya. In between the fighting,Basayev received training in terrorist camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

However, Basayevs real terror campaign began with the 1995, attack at the Budennovsk militia headquarters which evolved into the hospital siege. Shamil Basayev appears to be the mastermind behind all of the major Chechen terrorist attacks, carried out since 1995. His network of guerrilla/terrorist groups has several names, the Abkhaz battalion, Sword of Islam, Movsar Barayev Gang and Riyadh-as-Saliheen, the latter being the most notorious group. Since 1995, the network has carried out at least 13 successful terrorist attacks which has caused ca. 949 fatalities and injured a minimum of 1147. This is an enormously high fatality and injury rate for a single terrorist network.

The Shamil Basayev terrorist network has proven itself far more efficient and deadly, than other well-known terrorist groups, such as FARC, HAMAS and ETA. Although the Shamil Basayev network has not yet reached the horrific scale of the Al Qaeda attacks, the future may prove to be different.

Osama Bin Laden and Shamil Basayev are both Islamic militants, who not only fight with a religious zeal but also with sound tactics, learned through training provided by the CIA and GRU. These tactics combined with actual combat experience, has made a mock of the best of both US and Russia's elite forces. It is a tragic irony that these two most infamous terrorists where in part created by the superpowers, who now find them as their fiercest enemies. Mockingly, both carry out their operations dressed in US military uniforms and using Russian assault rifles as their primary weapons.

Lately, the US has been releasing several enemy combatants from the Guantanamo prisoner camp, this has been done due to mounting international pressure, to either convict or release the prisoners, of the original 680 enemy combatants who were brought to Guantanamo, only 4 have been charged so far. However, the choice of which prisoners to release clearly remains with the CIA and MIA, who are in charge of the investigations and interrogations. As in the past so in the present, the three-letter agencies seems incapable of understanding the absolute commitment to jihad, by the Islamic militants.

Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane, a half Danish, half-Algerian enemy combatant who was caught on the Afghan Pakistani border, was recently released from the Guantanamo camp. He had no sooner arrived in Denmark before he publicly stated that the Danish government where a legitimate target of Islamic terrorism, due to the Danish involvement in the war in Iraq. Subsequently, he publicly stated that the US "can use [my promise not to engage in warfare] as toilet paper." He next stated that he intends to continue Jihad by joining the Chechen militants in their fight against the Russian military.

Abdullah Mahsud, a Pakistani enemy combatant caught in Afghanistan, were also recently released from the Guantanamo camp. As soon as he arrived in the Waziristan region in Pakistan, he immediately reconfirmed his commitment to Jihad and met with his former Taliban allies, he planned and carried out a kidnapping of two Chinese engineers. The subsequent attempt by the Pakistani Special Forces to free the hostages, resulted in the death of one of the hostages and five of the kidnappers. Abdullah Mahsud, however managed to escape and is wanted by the Pakistani forces, obviously for more than just neglecting to keep his promise,to the US of not "to engage in warfare", hopefully a promise to not engage in terrorism was also included in his release conditions.

The real problem with making agreements with Islamic militants is that they are devout Muslims, who have dedicated their life to Jihad which brings us to a problem, that the Israelis knows only to well. A Muslim does not have to honour his word, or even his signature as Muslims are permitted to lie to non-Muslims and break agreements with them, under the Koranic law of Hudaibiya.

The four examples of Osama Bin Laden, Shamil Basayev, Slimane Hadj Abderrahmane and Abdullah Mahsud should prove beyond doubt that, the consequences of dealing and negotiating with Islamic militants committed to Jihad, is not only foolish but also outright disastrous. For decades the Official stance by western Governments regarding terrorism, has been a firm strategy of "No negotiations with terrorists", a controversial strategy but clearly it is about time that someone explained to the Spook Agencies, that no negotiations also means no funds, weapons and training. They should also be reminded that the end does not justify the means.

When it comes to dealing with Islamic guerrillas and terrorists, the so-called counter intelligence operations undertaken during the last three decades, by the three-letter intelligence agencies have proven to be anything but intelligent, with hindsight these operations have proved to be absolutely "Counter Intelligent".

Counter Intelligence: Accurate Words to Describe Our Dealings with Islamic Terrorists!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Studying Common Japanese Words to Gain Fluency

Whether you are planning to work and live in Japan and are studying the Japanese language to gain fluency or just want to learn a few Japanese words to help you get around when you visit on vacation, the best place to start is learning the most common Japanese words and phrases.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of Japanese words that make up the Japanese language. However, it is only a very small percentage of these words that are used in everyday speech. In fact, it is an even smaller percentage that makes up the most commonly used Japanese words.

As Words

The 20/80 rules states that only 20% of your actions will make up 80% of your results. This also works with languages. Only 20% of Japanese words will make up about 80% of the Japanese speech. This rule or concept makes learning a language seem much more obtainable. It may sound odd, but it really does work. If you think about your native language you will be surprised to find out that the majority of speech comes from reusing and remixing a small number of common words and phrases. Just as an example, imagine that there are a thousand words used in everyday speech. Using the 20/80 rule would mean that if you learned the most common 200 words (20%) then you would understand about 80% of everyday speech. Now this estimate of the number of words is a little low. However, if you learned a few hundred of the most common words in any language, it will give you a great head start and even allow you to communicate in basic conversation.

So how do you decide what are the right Japanese words to study? Probably the most important aspect of studying any language is to choose the right materials. This is especially true for the Japanese language because there are a lot of books and programs which contain outdated phrases and rare and unused words. Before joining a class, choosing an audio program, or purchasing books, it is very important to properly evaluate them.

Since your goal is more than likely to speak Japanese, you should focus on materials that cover the most common Japanese words and phrases used in everyday speech. If you are choosing a book then look through it and make sure that the words phrases sound similar to words and phrases that you would use in your own language. The phrase "I am a girl" (a common sentence to used for Japanese people learning English) helps to teach a sentence structure and words, but it is very unlikely you will ever use it to communicate. Stay away from materials containing these types of unuseful phrases. The best method is to get someone who is a native speaker to evaluate the materials. They will be able to tell right away if the words and phrases are outdated. The same thing goes for audio programs and computer programs. If at all possible try to get a demo version to evaluate before purchasing the full program.

Learning a language does take some time and requires some work, but offers some great rewards. Using the above methods will help save you a lot of wasted study time and learn the Japanese language much quicker. Ganbare!

Studying Common Japanese Words to Gain Fluency

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The 15 Most Persuasive Words

You don't have to read a newspaper or watch TV for long to realise that there are certain key words that appeal to anyone. Some of these words are so effective that even when companies or salespeople overuse them, people still respond to them postively.

Advertisers are the jedi in this field. They've know for years how words can motivate, bring back memories, evoke deep feelings. They know which words to use to persuade, entice, cajole, entertain, and in the most honorable circumstances, educate. The fact is words can make people look at things in new ways and perhaps try things they've never tried before.

As Words

The 15 word list below represents hours of effort and research studies. Over and over these words find new audiences or retain old ones. Remember them when you sell. Make these words part of your presentations, telephone calls or via written correspondance. These universal key words will evoke the same deep feelings toward your product as advertisers have been evoking so expertly for decades.

1. Discover
Like the credit card of the same name, this word generates interest, evokes a feeling of opportunity and suggests a better life. Tell a client that they will discover something and they'll feel the same.

2. Good
Good is not a high torque word, but therein lies its success. It evokes stability and security. If its good its not bad and everybody wants to buy or be associated with something good.

3. Money
Money, money, money, money....MONEY! Few people feel they have enough. Everybody wants more.

4. Easy
People want simplicity, and for things to happen easier. If a product or service can make something easier, they'll be more apt to buy it.

5. Guaranteed
Human beings fear risk. If they know that if the product doesn't work out, that they can get there money back, the risk goes away.

6. Health
If a product promotes financial, emotional or physical health, it offers a big plus. To many people this is even more important than money.

7. Love
Many companies make enormous amounts of money selling love. Whether its a dating service or vacations for singles, love is always a prime selling hook.

8. New
If its new, it must be better. Its a tried and tested concept that seems to be part of the the mystique in the western world. New is cutting edge and can even make something old fashioned, brand new.

9. Proven
New is good but reliability is good also. We want something that has been tested and proven not to be harmful in any way. We don't want something we'll doubt will work.

10. Results
Although we may mouth the words, underneath we don't care about trying hard and putting forth our best efforts if we don't see results. We want to know exactly what we're getting for our money.

11. Safe
A parallel of health. We value our lives, and if a product is safe, or it makes our assets safe, we trust it more.

12. Save
Saving money is almost as important as making money. Saving is better than spending.

13. Own
We all like to own things. Owning is better than buying, because it implies possession rather than spending. When presenting a product, talk about owning it not buying it.

14. Free
The big daddy of persuasion. We say you can't get nothing for free, but we don't believe it. Count today how many times you'll see the word free on junk mail, advertising, magazines or on TV or internet.'Free' is an instant eye catcher, and if you can point out to a customer that they'll something for nothing, you'll have their immediate attention.

15. Best
If you know that a product has been shown to be the best in some way, shape or form let your customer know about it. Possessing something proven to be the best exerts a very powerful pull.

The 15 Most Persuasive Words

Friday, November 18, 2011

Microsoft Word - How Good Is It?

Microsoft Word is the most premier word-processing software available. It is a part of Microsoft Office, an office suite of applications. Microsoft Word is a powerful tool that creates professional looking documents. It is able to create complex layouts for brochures or newsletters that print great to your desktop printer but it is not a true desktop publishing program. Microsoft Word is currently the most common word processor on the market. Many times, it is used to create a file that will eventually exist in another format.


As Words

You can also create web documents using Word. There is a tools menu that will check spelling and grammar in the active document for possible spelling, grammar, and writing style errors, and displays suggestions for correcting them. It can be used for complex documents normally designed in a dedicated page layout program. This easy-to-use software, allows business people to compose their thoughts in a fairly decent looking documents, complete with formatting and pictures. When Word is opened, a new blank document should automatically open. If not, then you can begin a new blank document in another way. First, find the "New Blank Document" icon, which looks like a blank sheet of paper, located underneath the menu bar in word in the standard toolbar. " Click on the icon to bring up a new blank document. To begin typing, just click the cursor anywhere within the new blank document.


The toolbars in Microsoft Word provide easy access to the user. To create a document based on one of the templates provided, select which one you would like to create and select OK. There are other services that will work with your Microsoft Word files, but in most cases Word documents are most suited to desktop printing or photo copying, and not for full-color or high-volume commercial printing. You can use the original Word file or save a Word document as a PDF or HTML file. If you export the Word document to another format, ensure it is accessible as well. There is only a very small number of programs that can save Word documents as properly tagged PDF files. If you use another program to save a Word document as a PDF file, do not be surprised if the exported PDF is not accessible to screen reader users. A document with complex tables or forms will probably need to have the tagging process completed in Acrobat. It is possible to convert a Word document into a properly tagged PDF if you can verify the following. The Word document has been appropriately tagged.

Microsoft Word - How Good Is It?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Word Games For Adults

Are you one spelling phobiac or a one who would enjoy using new words learnt or have a knack of picking up wordy words to enhance your vocabulary power? Either yes or a no to the question, you must/will love engage yourself in playing word games. There are several levels of word games and those that are word games for adults can really be of great help to boost your language skill and can be fun to play as well. For people who enjoy challenging their brains with newer information and thoughts, word games for adults can be the perfect choice.

Our brains can degenerate if not kept stimulated. It has been found that human brain fails to assimilate more and complex information, if not kept in use. To keep brain sharp and active, it needs to be challenged. Playing brain games help all to keep brain healthy with minimum investment.

As Words

Traditional word games that are most popular are scrabble and solving different levels of crossword puzzles. These games have been pioneer in boosting your intelligence and to have a command over your vocabulary. Apart from these age old games, the gaming industry are in constant search to innovate games that would help people of all ages and can be played anywhere. With advanced technology and people turning to be netizens, word games for adults are so designed and formatted that it can be downloaded to your laptops, mobile phones and even in play stations. All you need to do is to play them anytime and anywhere.

One of the popular online word games for adults is Word Bubbles. By playing this game one can become more articulate and can develop greater verbal fluency. In this game you will be given a 3 letter string and you need to guess words that you can create beginning with those three letters. The length of the word will determine which numbered bubbles will go up on the screen. To make the bubble go absolutely out of water, you need to make three words of same length. So within a given time you need to complete as many words as possible.

Word games for adults can be great fun to play even when you are with a group of friends. Playing such games help improve your information processing capacity as well. Improved communication is an added benefit.

If you wish to connect with words and be the first to express your wit and intelligence with verbal fluency, do play the games and watch the difference.

Word Games For Adults

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Evolution of Word Wide Web - WWW


World Wide Web (WWW) is the system of interlinked hypertext documents containing text, images, audio, videos, animation and more. User can view and navigate through these documents using hyperlinks or navigation elements which have references to another document or to the section of the same document. In a broader sense "The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge."

As Words

History of World Wide Web

WWW was first proposed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau while working at the CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research. Both of them came out with their individual proposal for Hypertext systems and later on they united and offered joint proposal. The term "Word Wide Web" was first introduced in that joint proposal. The history of every invention has lot of pre-history. Similarly the World Wide Web has also lot of pre-historical gradual development of hypertext system and internet protocols which made the WWW possible. The gradual development started in the early 1945, with the development of Memex, a device based on microfilms for storing huge amount of documents and facilitating organizing those documents. Later in 1968 "Hypertext" was introduced, which made linking and organization of documents fairly easy. In 1972 DARPA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency), started project that connect all research centers to facilitate data exchange which later adopted for military information exchange. In 1979 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) was invented to enable sharing of documents for large government project by separating content from the presentation and thereby enabling same document to be rendered in different ways. In 1989 Tim Berners-lee came out with Networked Hypertext system form CERN Laboratory. In 1990, joint proposal for hyper text system was presented and the term "World Wide Web" first introduced. In 1992 first portable browser was released by CERN, and that had picked up industry interest in internet development. Today web is so much popularized and has grown to be so invaded in to our lives; it becomes almost impossible to imagine the World without web.

Web Evolution - What and How?

Each technology has certain distinguished characteristics and features. Similarly web has certain features such as data, services, mess-up, APIs, social platform and more. These features are continuously and progressively evolving in distinct stages with qualitative improvements over the existing. Web evolution is categorized and hyped with some fancy marketing terms like "Web 1.0", "Web 2.0", "Social Web", "Web 3.0", "Pragmatic Semantic Web", "Pragmatic Web" and many more.

Yihong Ding, PHD candidate at Brigham Young University, in his article on "Evolution of Web" explained the development of Web by analogically comparing it with the human growth. Yihong Ding stated "The relationship between web pages and their webmasters is similar to the relationship between children and their parents. As well as parents raise their children, webmasters maintain and update their web pages. Human children have their normal stages of development, such as the newborn stage, pre-school stage, elementary-school stage, teenage stage, and so on. Analogically, web has its generations, such as Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and so on."

Along with technological advancement web design also changed over the period of time. Initial design was simple hypertext read only system which allowed users to read the information. User was just a viewer of what is presented on the web. Gradually images and tables added with evolution of HTML and web browsers, which allowed making better design. Development of photo-editing tools, web authoring tools and content management tools enabled designer to begin creating visually appealing website design layouts. In the next phase of development, web design changed with the change in usability and the focus is diverted on the users rather than the content of the website. User interaction and social touch is applied to the web design. Now user is not just a viewer. User can drive the web with feedback, information sharing, rating and personalization. Gradually we got the mature blend of function, form, content and interaction, called Read/Write Web. Continuing this evolution, meaning is added to the information presented on the web so that online virtual representatives of human can able to read and interprets the presented information. This kind of web where user agent imitating human behavior, can read and understand the information using artificial intelligence is called semantic web.

Web 1. 0 (Read Only Web)

World Wide Web is evolved in stages. First stage was the basic "Read Only" hypertext system also termed as Web 1.0 since the hype of Web 2.0. In fact in the original proposed web model, Tim Berners-Lee envisioned web as the Read/Write Model with HTTP PUT and HTTP DELETE method. These methods were almost never used just because of security reasons.

Some of the Characteristics of Web 1.0

1. In Web 1.0 web master is constantly engaged with responsibility of managing the content and keeps user updating. Majority of hyperlinks to the contents are manually assigned by the web master.

2. Web 1.0 does not support mass-publishing. The content on the website is published by the web master and thereby does not leverage the collective intelligence of users.

3. Web 1.0 uses basic hyper text mark up language for publishing content on the internet.

4. Web 1.0 pages do not support machine readable content. Only human who are web readers can understand the content.

5. Web 1.0 provides contact information (email, phone number, fax or address) for communication. Users have to use the off-line world for further communication with this contact information.

6. In Web 1.0, web pages are designed to react instinctively based on the programmed condition. Specific result or response is generated when the programmed condition is satisfied. Web 1.0 model does not understand remote request and can not prepare response for potential request in advance. To clearly understand above characteristics of web 1.0, Yihong Ding in his article on "Evolution of World Wide Web" has analogically correlated World of Web 1.0 with the world of a Newborn baby.

Newborn Baby : I have parents

Web-1.0 Page : Webmasters

Newborn Baby : Watch me, but I won't explain

Web-1.0 Page : Humans understand, machines don't

Newborn Baby : Talk to my parents if you want to discuss about me

Web-1.0 Page : Contact information (email, phone number, fax, address, ...)

Newborn Baby : My parents decide who my friends are. Actually, I don't care

Web-1.0 Page : Manually specified web links

Newborn Baby : Hug me, I smile; hit me, I cry (conditional reflex)

Web-1.0 Page : Reactive functions on web pages

Source: Analogy from the Article by Yihong Ding from "The web 1.0 pages are only babies.

Web 2. 0 (Read Write Web)

"Web 2.0 is the understanding that the network is the platform and on the network is platform roles for the business is different. And the cardinal role is user adds value. And figuring out how to built database and things to get better so that more people use that and it's the secret of web 2.0.

Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."[4]

In Web 2.0 the idea of Consumer (Users) and Producer (Web Master) is dissolving. Web 2.o is more about communications and user interactions. Web 2.0 is all about participation. "Content is the King" often cited quote during early web 1.0 days, is now turned in to "User is the King" in Web 2.0. In web 2.0 users communicates through blogging, wikis and social networking websites. Everything on the web is tagged, to facilitate easy and quick navigation. Web 2.0 is also about combining it all in one single page by means of tagging and AJAX with better usability via lots of white space, and a cleaner layout. The API ability makes it possible for programmers to mash up data feeds and databases to cross reference information from multiple sources in one page. In contrast with web 1.0, web 2.0 has collective intelligence of millions of users.

Web 2.0 is all about improved version of World Wide Web with changing role and evolving business model where users learned to communicate with the other users instead of just communicating with the publisher of the content.

Some of the Characteristics of Web 2.0

1. Web 2.0 is the second version of Web providing RIA (Rich Internet Application) by bringing in the desktop experience such as "Drag and Drop" on the webpage in browser.

2. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is the key piece in Web 2.0. Buzzwords around SOA are Feeds, RSS, web services and mash up, which defines how Web 2.0 application exposes functionality so that other applications can leverage and integrate those functionalities providing much richer set of applications.

3. Web 2.0 is the Social web. Web 2.0 Application tends to interact much more with the end user. End users are not only the users of the application but also the participants whether by tagging the content, whether he is contributing to the wiki or doing podcast for blogging. Due to the Social nature of application end user is the interval part of the data for the application, proving feedbacks and allowing application to leverage that user going to use it.

4. In Web 2.0 philosophy and strategy is that "The Web is open". Content is available to be moved and changed by any user. Web site content is not controlled by the people who made the web site but by the user who are using the web site.

5. In Web 2.0 Data is the driving force. Users are spending much more time online and started generating content in their passive time. Web 2.0 requires some of the key technologies to be used in the development of web pages. One of the important technologies is the AJAX which supports development of rich user experience.

6. Web 2.0 websites typically include some of the following key technologies.

- RSS (Really Simple Syndication), which allows users to syndicate, aggregate and to set up the notification of the data using feeds.

- Mashups, which makes it possible to merge the content from different sources, allowing new form of reusing of the information via public interface or APIs.

- Wikis and Forums to support user generated content.

- Tagging, which allows users to specify and attach human readable keyword to web resource.

- AJAX - Asynchronous Java Script and XML, which is the web development technique, allowing exchange of interactive data behind the scene without reloading the web page.

To clearly understand above characteristics of web 2.0, Yihong Ding in his article on "Evolution of World Wide Web" has analogically correlated World of Web 2.0 with the world of a Pre-School Kid.

Pre-School Kid : I have parents

Web-2.0 Page : Webmasters (blog owners)

Pre-School Kid : Parents teach me knowledge (though often not well organized)

Web-2.0 Page : Tagging

Pre-School Kid : I understand but maybe imprecise and incorrect

Web-2.0 Page : Folksonomy

Pre-School Kid : I can deliver and distribute messages, especially for my parents

Web-2.0 Page : Blogging technology

Pre-School Kid : Who my friends are is primarily determined by my parents' social activities and their teaching

Web-2.0 Page : Social network

Pre-School Kid : Multiple of us can be coordinated to do something beyond individual's capabilities

Web-2.0 Page : Web widget, mashup

Pre-School Kid : I can do suggestion based on my communication with friends

Web-2.0 Page : Collective intelligence

Following table distinguish the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

Web 1.0 is about : Reading

Web 2.0 is about : Reading /Writing

Web 1.0 is about : Publishing

Web 2.0 is about : Feedbacks, Reviews, Personalization

Web 1.0 is about : Linking Content using Hyperlinks

Web 2.0 is about : mashup

Web 1.0 is about : Companies

Web 2.0 is about : CommunityCommunity

Web 1.0 is about : Client-Server

Web 2.0 is about : Peer to Peer

Web 1.0 is about : HTML

Web 2.0 is about : XML

Web 1.0 is about : Home Pages

Web 2.0 is about : Blogs and Wikis

Web 1.0 is about : Portals

Web 2.0 is about : RSS

Web 1.0 is about : Taxonomy

Web 2.0 is about : Tags

Web 1.0 is about : Owning

Web 2.0 is about : Sharing

Web 1.0 is about : Web form

Web 2.0 is about : Web Application

Web 1.0 is about : Hardware Cost

Web 2.0 is about : Bandwidth Cost

Web 3. 0 (Semantic Web)

Web is no longer linking and tagging of information and resources. With the advent of semantic web concept, special information is attached to the resources or information so that machine can understand and read just like human.

Timer Berner Lee envisioned

"I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web - the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A 'Semantic Web', which should make this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The 'intelligent agents' people have touted for ages will finally materialize."

Semantic Web has derived from his vision of web as the universal medium for exchange of data, information and knowledge. Web 3.0 or Semantic Web is an Executable Phase of Web Development where dynamic applications provides interactive services and facilitates machine to machine interaction. Tim Berner Lee has further stated

"People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics - everything rippling and folding and looking misty - on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you'll have access to an unbelievable data resource." Semantic web is the an extension of World Wide Web in which web content is expressed in machine readable language, not just in nature language, so that user agents can read, process and understand the content using artificial intelligence imitating human behavior. In other words Semantic Web is an extension of the web where content expressed can be processed independently by intelligent software agents.

There can be several agents one can program within the context of vocabulary of the vertical domain.

For example

"Travel Agent", who keep searching chipset air tickets based on your criteria and notify you when it gets the perfect one.

"Personal Shopper Agent", who keeps looking for the specific product on the eBay and get it for you once it finds the one that match with all of your criterions.

Similarly we can have "Real Estate Agent", "Personal Financial Advisor Agent" and many more.

All user is doing is just creating their personal agent which talks with the web services which are exposed publicly and there by taking care of lots of repetitive tasks.

Precisely Web 3.0 = Every human + Every device + Every Information

Characteristics of Semantic Web

1. Unlike database driven websites, In Semantic Web database is not centralized.

2. Semantic Web is the Open System where schema is not fixed as it may take any arbitrary source of data.

3. Semantic Web requires using Meta description languages such as Web Ontology Language and the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Annotation requires lot of time and effort.

Web n.0 - a Glimpse of the Future

Let me add one more element to the previous formula

Web 3.0 = Every human + Every device + Every Information = Everything in the context of current technology advancement.

Web 3.0 is still evolving and it is going to encompass everything. One can not envision anything beyond web 3.0 in the current technology advancement.

Breaking all current technological capabilities Raymond Kurzweil, the inventor of OCR (Optical Character Reader) envisioned Web 4.0 as the Web OS with intelligent user agents acting parallel to human brain. Following figure illustrate the evolution of Web along with technology advancement and the semantics of social connections. Source: Nova Spivack and Radar Networks


The evolution of web has gone through phases as mentioned in this article and that has introduced numerous technologies and concepts in various areas; software, communication, hardware, marketing, advertising, content sharing, publicity, finance and many more.

In a way the World Wide Web has changed the way people were used to look at things earlier. I believe this evolution is never ending and moving towards excellence.


The Evolution of Word Wide Web - WWW

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Love Beyond Words

How do you love beyond words? This is a hard concept for a lot of people to understand, but when you finally get it, it all makes sense and you see the complete picture. No regrets, and love unconditionally with no strings attached in life.

So many people today take the words "I love you" and use them over and over again to where they have no meaning. How many times have you caught yourself saying "I love you" when walking out the door or at the end of a phone conversation. It comes out so naturally, but how often when this happens do we really mean it, listen to it or really feel it with our souls, not many I bet.

As Words

Have you ever had anyone in your life ever show you love in anyway without the use of words? Maybe they did something that no one else did for you just at the right time and you knew they really did love you. Maybe they said something you had been longing to hear but never heard until then, and it wasn't "I love you."

A lot of us do not appreciate the concept of love until it is gone or lost. What most of us do not even see or comprehend a lot of times, or sometimes it is simple as just that we forget, is that we are loved from the Universal Spirit, or your own interpretation of God.

You are loved for who you are. You are loved for your soul. You are loved in every possible way. And you are here also to share your love with others. Not just a simple "I love you" but to go beyond this to where you or the other person becomes this heart swollen love filled embodiment ready to burst with love energy. That is what loving beyond words is!

So next time you see your spouse, child, or friend really mean it from the heart and deep down in your soul when you tell them you love them. When you see the person working a fundraiser for charity, stop and give them your spare change and see how it lights their face up, and know you have spread some love even more. Or when you see the homeless person on a cold night, take them one of your spare blankets and see what kind of changes it makes not only in your own heart and soul but theirs as well. Love beyond words with the whole world and we can change it one random act of kindness at a time.

Love Beyond Words

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Does Your Word (Personal Integrity) Mean Anything?

Probably not! As disturbing as it is, are you proud of it? Give me one reason why I should take your word about anything! Is your personal integrity at risk? Are there any people around that actually keep their word about something?

When you hear the words, "I'll call you right back," what are the odds that they never will. Experience in today's world tells us that one's "word" is useless, or at the very least, unreliable. Glenn Van Ekeren in his The Speaker's Sourcebook calls this antic "Famous Fibs." It seems we live in a world of excuses. Or maybe just call it what it is---lies!

As Words

Is it a fear of commitment when you give your word that you will do this or that?

Being raised on a small farm by my grandparents in the 1950s, gave me a real view of what it means to place value on one's word (it says--I promise). And how critically important the words are that come out of your mouth. Back then coming out of World War II was a time for reliance on one another. Farmers knew that relying on the neighbor's help baling hay before the rain depended on the neighbor's word that he would help--and he did!

Today, verbal promises are nothing more than tongue wagging appeasements to fill up the time when one should be speaking the truth. Wouldn't it do your heart good to hear the real truth once in a while?

If you are on a mission of self-improvement, this is a great place to start. Take a moment and think of the benefits derived from making your "word" count for something (a promise kept).

· You are known to be reliable. It means others trust you and know that they can depend on you. Is that important to you?

· You become known among friends, family, and work associates as dependable. It puts you ahead of everyone else as a leader. And it is perceived as a profound respect for others, their time, their planning, their efforts, and their life.

· You become highly respected. You don't have to earn it. It comes to you spontaneously as a result of your dependability and reliability--when you say something, you mean it.

· You become trusted. If there ever was a quality of a person that fuels the ego, stimulates the self-esteem, and brings others closer, it is being trusted.

· You find peace of mind that others never discover. Why? Because your mind and spirit are working together in harmony to let you understand that the qualities you are showing others, helps them--and they begin to see the value of keeping their word.

· You evolve into a role model. Oh yes! You may not want to assume that role--it isn't all that bad! It's a standard that others aspire to, a compliment to your integrity, and an honor that is associated with doing the right thing.

· Your integrity is multiplied. When that happens it brings with it favors, opportunities, and career levels that you never thought possible.

Maybe you can't handle all these powerful dividends? Fine, just expect to be trampled by those who are rushing to the front ahead of you. No one has an axe to grind here--except you. The standards that mentors and others hold you to are far below the standards you hold yourself to.

Meryl Runion sums it all up in a remarkable book that you will find inspiring. Her, "How to Use Power Phrases to Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, & Get What You Want," is a clear presentation of how progress in our lives is stalemated by our lack of good communication, and indifference to what we mean when we say it.

It's your move!

Does Your Word (Personal Integrity) Mean Anything?