Saturday, January 28, 2012

What To Say To Your Ex To Get Him Back - Use Mouth-Watering Words And Get Him Back

If you have recently broken up with your boyfriend, you are more likely concerned about "what to say to your ex to get him back." The first words following a breakup, are very important, either they push your boyfriend further away, or get him to want you back. Either you use the correct words and soften your boyfriend's heart or give him another excuse to let you go off.

Never underestimate the power of the words; they are the more efficient tool that can sink deep in your boyfriend's heart. When you mingle the words with your soft voice, you have got the talent to melt his heart without even lifting a finger.

As Words

What to say when you apologize:

If you are the person who first broke up, then you have to admit your fault and apologise. Do not see the apology as a weak move; on the contrary, this will boost your boyfriend confidence in you. Here is what to say to apologize: "I am really sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you, because you do not deserve that, but at that moment, I was emotionally full, and I failed to control my emotions, please accept my apology"

What to say when you want him back:

Well,this is a crucial step where you must avoid at all cost using the sentence "I love you." Even though this may sound different to what you have led to believe, but using the word "Love" won't give the results you crave. What you should do is to convey the desire to get him back through your actions, what this means is that you need to show him that you do care about him without coming across as a needy person.

Here is what to say to him:" I know; I have hurt your feelings. You may be angry at me, but know that not a single day passes, without me spending hours recalling the funny moments and the happy days, we had together, and I wish if we only could get back together and make our lives full of joyful moments."

At this point, you have pushed the right buttons, just leave everything at that and do not push further, let him ponder your words, give him space and time to feel the void you are creating in his life. If you act smart and soft, there is no good reason you won't get your ex back.

What To Say To Your Ex To Get Him Back - Use Mouth-Watering Words And Get Him Back

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let's Change The Meaning Of The Word Divorce

At what point is a marriage over? When you stop being intimate? When you spend more time fighting than not? When you are served your divorce papers? Or how about when That Word is first uttered out of your spouse's mouth?

Let's first define exactly what the word divorce means. According to the ever-reliable Yahoo Answers, the word "divorce" is from the Latin word divortium, meaning "separation" or "to turn and go separate ways." Actually, the comedian, Robin Williams, put it best when he commented it comes from the "Latin word to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet."

As Words

Whatever definition you decide to use, why would you even want to continue to have an intimate relationship with someone who uses that word as a possible solution? If someone mentions the possibility that a divorce is an answer, it will always be lingering around like stale socks left in your gym locker. The word "divorce" seems so final, so resolute and so firm. Although derived from the word separation, it's so much more than a "separate way." In fact, the mere utterance of the word "divorce" implies an intention of following through. It isn't an empty threat because That Word cannot be recalled. There are many spouses who see divorce as a finality and are prepared not to be married, mentally and physically. But this leads to the possibility that a spouse is hoping that the mere mention of That Word will lead to positive changes in the marriage. There have even been instances where a spouse says they want a divorce, the other makes nary a peep. The asking spouse becomes hurt and even more resentful that the other didn't fight harder to save the marriage.

The word divorce conjures up thoughts of a marriage breaking apart. Why don't we change the meaning of That Word. From now on, the word "divorce" comes from the word "divarication" which means a divergence of opinion. And for the sake of simplicity, that's all a divorce is anyway.

Let's Change The Meaning Of The Word Divorce

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Green Tea As a High Blood Pressure Natural Remedy

Green Tea is considered a natural cure for high blood pressure because it inhibits ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) and lowers blood pressure without the nasty side effects.

Many factors can cause arteries to narrow - plaque buildup, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, alcoholism, stress, certain diseases such as diabetes, or a "signal" from the body.

As Words

This signal is the release of an enzyme called ACE. ACE starts a chain reaction that causes the tiny muscles surrounding the arteries to clamp down, making the arteries smaller and driving up blood pressure.

Preventing this "clamping down" of the muscles and keeping the arteries from narrowing is an important step in preventing this issue.

If you have this problem and you choose to see a conventional doctor, chances are pretty good that the doctor will tell you that you'll have to take drugs , probably for the rest of your life.

If you're willing to try some natural remedy such as changes in your diet and lifestyle as well as drinking green tea everyday, though, there's a good chance that you can bring the numbers into normal range - or at least reduce it somewhat. Losing just a little weight can work wonders, too and green tea also can assist you with weight loss.

So can a modest cutback in salt. One study done have shown dropping about eight pounds and reducing sodium intake by 25 percent allowed half of the participants to lower their blood pressures enough to stop taking medications.

Natural remedy reduces your risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), which eventually also reduces complications such as this.

Researchers found that the catechins in green tea has significantly lowered blood pressure and triglyceride levels, while raising the "good". Green tea is clearly an effective aid in the battle against this problem.

Green Tea As a High Blood Pressure Natural Remedy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Top 9 Costa Rican Slang Words

When visiting Costa Rica, you may overhear locals using Spanish words which you may have never heard in other Spanish countries. Common words such as "pulperia," "Tico" and "pura vida" may confuse people who are learning Spanish and even some native Spanish speaking people. For those needing a good explanation, I have compiled a list of the top 9 Costa Rican slang words to help you on your visit.

1. Pulperia: (Pool-pa-ree-a) A Pulperia is a small corner store, usually family run which sells basic food items and occasionally items one would expect to find at a bazaar. There are thousands across the country, and they are in close proximity to all major tourist areas, cities, small towns and even in most rural areas.
2. Tico/Tica: (Tee-ko, Tee-ka) A Tico or Tica is another name for a Costa Rican born male of female (respectively). This term is ONLY used to refer to a person born in Costa Rica, not Spanish countries in general.
3. Tuanis: (Twan-ees) A slang word for "cool" or "neat," Costa Ricans use this word quite often without realizing it.
4. Que Chiva: (Kay-Chee-Ba) Similar to "tuanis," "que chiva" is used as a slang word for "how cool" or similar words.
5. Mae: (My) Usually translated as "buddy" or "man," this word is often used to start or end sentences. "¡Pura Vida Mae!"
6. Pura Vida: (Poo-ra Vee-da) As Costa Rica's official slogan, tourists may hear this term very often. Directly translated it means "pure life," although Costa Ricans use it in a plethora of different contexts. For example, locals use it to replace the word goodbye, you're welcome, and thank you. It is also a common response to many questions (for example "how are you?" or "how was your day?") and it translates to "awesome" or "great."
7. Rojo: (Ro-ho) A rojo in Costa Rica is another word for a 1000 colones bill. Rojo (meaning red) is the color of the bill, hence the name. If you are at the pulperia and they tell you the cost of your items is "dos rojos," your cost is 2000 colones.
8. Teja: (Te-ha) A teja is a 100 colones coin. For example if you purchase an ice cream at the pulperia and the cost is "tres tejas," you need to give them three hundred colones.
9. Toucan: (Two-can) A 5,000 colones bill is also called a "tucan" as there is a picture of a toucan on the bill.

As Words

Top 9 Costa Rican Slang Words

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Success As a Standup Comedian - A Few Words About Comedic Attitude

I want to say a few words about being a comedian. A comedian is someone who makes people laugh (and at least a couple times a minute). Which is easier said than done. A comedian is a stage persona; it's not exactly who the person is offstage.

So how does one craft a standup comedy stage persona that a)suits their personality, and b) is actually funny?

As Words

It's both easier and harder than it first seems. Your unique personality already exists; it's just up to you to highlight the funny bits, and then to live your life onstage. This all starts with attitude and mood.

As a former teacher, I've had a lot of practice speaking to groups of cold fish. I can tell you that funny more often stems from your attitude, and the crowd's willingness to come along, than anything you might plan to say. Most crowds want to come along - but you have to educate yourself as to what will shut them down. Because all it takes is the wrong word or two, right or wrong; once you've lost them you're all alone and it's that much harder to win them back.

The stage turns things up a notch or three. And that's the act, isn't it - electrifying your natural personality characteristics. It requires confidence and a degree of self-deprecation.

The comedian turns on his or her personality and lights up a room. They control the room, the stage, the narrative thread, and always (try to) have the last word with a laugh. They inspire and intersect ideas.

But more than this, they actively indicate the funny in every situation. They twist everything into a punchline; they deftly see things in the wrong way and create humor from their response. For example:

My father once told me "Be careful with you little girlfriend, or you'll have a baby on your hands." Yeah? Well when you're seventeen dating a seventeen year-old, you can imagine dealing with that. When you're fifty looking at a seventeen year-old, you're just trying to get out of Saturdays at the Chucky Cheese. Pulling your wife out of the hamster tubes is embarrassing!

As a working adult with 10-20 years of job experience, you accumulate a kind of porcupine-quill carapace for the job. And if you're an engineer, goodness help you. Making engineers laugh is a bit like sticking a fork in a toaster. In fact, it is literally like sticking a fork in a toaster. Leave it to the professionals.

You can't approach comedy with that kind of flat emotion and deadpan attitude. Your mood translates to the crowd in a kind of desirable psychological transference. Your attitude is the fundamental premise through which all gets filtered.

Consider the different types of funny attitudes from some great comedians: George Carlin's tough indignance. Woody Allen's clever insecurity, and Bob Newhart's halting insecurity. Johnny Carson's boyishness and self-deprecating criticism of his own jokes. Tommy Smothers' boyishness and naivete.

I'm going to add more examples from other eras:

Richard Lewis' overwrought angst. Lewis Black's rage with political absurdity. Bill Hicks' seditious frankness. Eddie Murphy's fast-talking, cool mockery. Richard Pryor's contemplative, off-color characterizations. Brian Regan's exaggerated immaturity. Steven Wright's deadpan absurdity. Think of your favorite comedians, and what characterizes their attitude or point of view.

As such, with your unique, comical attitude, any setup is funny simply by virtue of being in your repertoire. Just as a funny comedy sketch depends first on the characters and the situation, before anyone has even said a word, funny standup depends first on one thing: the comedian's unique, fresh point of view.

So what do you do when you're armed with this information? You become aware of your own attitude, and feeling, at the moment of writing the bit. Aware of the influence of your mood, you might better adapt it to the situation. After all, your default attitude of bristling logic can hardly serve the interests of absurdity, can it?

Keep in mind that range is possible. If you listen carefully to some comics, you can almost hear them channeling their influences as well. It' s hard to listen to Doug Stanhope without hearing Bill Hicks. Lots of young comics mimic Mitch Hedberg, or Dane Cook. Sometimes these attitudes come and go. Usually the audience is unaware of it at all, unless you blatantly rip off a comics mannerisms or vocal inflections. I won't even dignify hacking material directly with a statement.

How do you find your own comedic attitude? You don't. It finds you. Write what you think is funny, then turn it up ten degrees. If it makes you laugh, others somewhere will laugh too. Just make sure you write it in simple, clear language, punchy sentences, and tend towards brevity. Mark your punchlines - be aware of when they occur - and make sure you're delivering them at about one every ten seconds, with the funniest hit in the last beat. The audience wants to laugh, and to know when to laugh. Make it simple for them. Make it easier on yourself.

You've got to overshoot. You may not get a laugh every time; and you'll want at least two solid laughs every minute.

And finally look at every word you're saying. Every word. Isn't there a slightly funnier, slightly more absurd way of phrasing it? Don't save all the mirth for the punch!

Good luck!

Success As a Standup Comedian - A Few Words About Comedic Attitude

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Words You Should Not Use in a Resume

Most guides in resume writing present power words - words that attract employer attention when he scans hundreds of resume - but few of them include words you should not use in a resume.

Here is a list of words and word categories which should be avoided when you create your resume.

As Words

Abbreviations and acronyms
APTA, CPOFAS, RIFL, MRSRSA and it starts to look like a Scrabble game. Too many abbreviations and acronyms make a resume unreadable. As a rule, avoid using them, and use them only when they are easy to recognize. If these words are very popular in your field use them with care.

Personal pronouns
It may seem strange to avoid personal pronouns (me, I, mine, etc) in your resume - a document that's only talking about you. Because it's all about you, using personal pronouns is redundant and pointless. A resume should not contain unnecessary words, because it is not a novel, but a short presentation of your abilities and experience.

Negative words
These words transform your resume in a total failure: "arrest", "boring", "fired", "hate" and "racist"; if there are problems you want clarified with the employer, keep them for the interview.

Don't overuse some of the words
There are words that are a must in a resume but you don't have to overuse them. For example: excessive use of: "a", "and", "but", "because", "very", "also" and words you can't define: even if a word sounds good and makes you look intelligent, if you use them the wrong way, you lose any chance to be called to an interview.

Words You Should Not Use in a Resume