Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Word Tattoos - Short Quotes, Song Lyrics and Meaningful Sayings As Texts For Tattoo Designs

If you are so proud of your motto, then why not share it to the whole world. Or if you are going through a period of change in your life and you want to constantly be reminded of that commitment, you can afford to have a reminding system installed on your skin.

Words are wonderful ways for you to express your innermost desires and dreams. And since you go out to the real world everyday, why not have that message printed on your skin in ink?

As Words

You can come up with any kind of word tattoo. The best thing about this kind of tattoo is that there is less chance of you having the same tattoo as anyone else because you can pretty much come up with your own saying. However, getting a line from your favorite movie or song works well also. Don't worry, not everyone will have the same favorite line as you.

Word Tattoos - Short Quotes, Song Lyrics and Meaningful Sayings As Texts For Tattoo Designs

You can even take a cue from these famous personalities from Hollywood.

Angelina Jolie

When it comes to tattoos, no one can ever beat Angelina Jolie with more or less 12 tattoos adorning her amazing body. One of her famous tattoos includes that of an incantation written in Khmer on the back of her shoulder.

David Beckham

Hailed as the hottest king of the field, Beckham isn't shy about being a father. In fact, he has the names of his sons, Brooklyn and Romeo, tattooed on his back.

Britney Spears

One lesson when tattooing spouses' names on any part of your body is the fact that things might not work out right. Learn that lesson from Britney who has her ex, Kfed, tattooed on her body.

Word Tattoos - Short Quotes, Song Lyrics and Meaningful Sayings As Texts For Tattoo Designs

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Etymology- How Words Change Over Time

Etymology is the study of the origins of words.

As languages develop the meaning of words can change over time. This causes confusion and misunderstanding when communicating with other people.

As Words

In a world were you make a living at communicating, advertising or marketing, it is not only important to have clarity in your message, it is also important to think of your target market and understand how they understand words and messages.

Etymology- How Words Change Over Time

On the positive side that words change meaning over time, it has been noted that languages that stay alive, adapt and grow over time.

An example would be the word nice. Nice used to be an insult and meant foolish or stupid in the 13th century and it went through many changes right through to the 18th century with meanings like wanton, extravagant, elegant, strange, modest, thin, and shy or coy. Now it means a good & pleasing or thoughtful & kind.

Silly meant blessed or happy in the 11th century and went through pious, innocent, harmless, pitiable and feeble minded before ending up as foolish or stupid.

Pretty started as crafty this changed to clever or skillfully made, then to fine and ended up as beautiful.

Some other changes are:

Word ______ Original Meaning

Awful________ Deserving of awe

Bead _________Prayer

Brave_________ Cowardice (as in bravado)

Girl__________ Young person of either sex

Neck_________ Parcel of land (as in neck of the woods)

Nuisance______ Injury, harm


There are several reasons for words change meaning. One is the influence of other languages and cultures. Throughout history, many nations through conquering or intermixing with one another, introduced their own languages into the mix. Another reason is the predominate use of slang words. We get so used to using them that many times we forget that we even are.

So when it comes to defining words, there is the standard dictonary, which by the way can show multiple meanings for one word, and there is the definition of the word in slang.
As well, slang words spread faster and are used more often than before, making them common place in many societies.

Due to the advancement of science and technology, new words are also being created at an amazing rate. Keeping up with some of the new words and your usage of them will help in your efforts understand and to become a master communicator.

Once every ten years, the Merriam- Webster dictionary is updated. Their 11th edition for 2003 included some 10,000 new words along with 100,000 new meanings to words already existing and some 225,00 revised definitions.

Some of the slang words that have made it in the dictionary are;

Headbanger- a hard rock musician and a fan

Dead presidents- Paper currency

Prairie Gophering - people who peer above their cubicles at work.

McJob- Low paying and dead-end work.

Comb-over- an attempt to cover a bald spot

You can learn about more words in an etymology dictionary.

We can use this as another reminder, especially when it is important to have a group goal achieved, that what a word means to us, may not have the same meaning to someone else.

There is also the emotional reactions that different people have to certain words. But that's another story...

Etymology- How Words Change Over Time

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Power Within The Spoken Word

Understand the Power of Words

Do you remember when you were taught the famous comeback as a kid "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? We all know how far from the truth that saying is. We are all aware of the enormous power in the meaning of the spoken word and what it means to the person who is on the receiving end. I'm sure you have been the recipient of words of wisdom, words of encouragement, or words of praise. On the other hand we have all experienced condescending words, words that hurt, words that destroyed our spirit, or words that have made us angry.

As Words

It is critical that we choose our words carefully in order to ensure success in all aspects of our lives. Words influence your thinking and reinforce concepts within the psyche. This psychological association can affect the outcome of your goals and at what level you achieve. Words that are badly chosen can slaughter your passion, lower your sense of worth, and sabotage your level of enthusiasm. This can retard your progress and produce anemic results. Words that are well chosen can stimulate the psyche, rekindle enthusiasm, generate more insight and vision, increase your expectations, and produce greater outcomes.

Power Within The Spoken Word

The words you choose create an impression of you and the image you want to portray. If you want to be perceived in a certain way, the words you choose can help. If you want to make and keep friends your words can make it happen. If you want to influence others, choose carefully your words. If you want to drive them away, don't.

Let us examine the power of words and the words we choose. You know how your words affect others; you can analyze the feedback you get. If you truly want to succeed and be a winner, pay special attention to the words that flow from your mouth. Use it to work for you not against you. Begin today to pay close attention to your words, you will be amazed the power that lies within.

When Words Do Damage

"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." -Pearl Strachan

If not carefully chosen, the words we speak can wound others. These wounds can stay with someone for years to follow and affect them in ways we could never imagine. The power of the spoken word is so great that not only can we destroy someone but our words can cause us to self-destruct as well.

Words can be used to slander, to lie, or to destroy the reputation of someone. When one does such things they seldom stop to think of the negative psychological impressions that are implanted into their psyche. After a while it can become almost impossible for this person to utter words of encouragement to others. As the words become more contaminated one's persona can have a tendency to change as well. Before long this individual may not be able to recognize his/her pattern of speech and why others seem to be repelled by it.

Words have the power to ruin relationships. If words are not chosen carefully, relationships can be destroyed, jobs can be lost, or customers can leave. Remember in life we are constantly engaged in relationships with people. Many of these relationships can promote our success in life. It is of utmost importance that our words are chosen wisely to build relationships and not destroy them.

Parents we sometimes wound our children by the words we speak to them. Unable to cognitively understand why their parents speak to them in a derogatory way, they grow up feeling insecure or put down. By not choosing your words carefully, by talking down to your children, or yelling at them, it can cause serious long-lasting emotional and psychological damage to their tender minds.

Examine the words you speak. Are they destructive? Are the spoken well? Do they encourage or put others down? Make a special effort to choose your words more carefully - they are a reflection of what's on the inside.

Encouraging Words

One of the most powerful things your words can do is to change the world in which you live. By your choice of words you can influence others in positive ways and as a result achieve peace and prosperity in your life. The following are ways to realize that:

Start today to make a conscious effort to monitor your words. Make it a point to bring friendly words into every relationship in your life. Learn to respond in ways that disperse good and positive energy into the world around you. Be aware that the power you have in your words can move people to act in helpful or harmful ways. Use it to empower self and others.

Choosing Your Words

According to a study carried out by a professor at Penn State University, it showed that irrespective of age or culture, there are many more words in our vocabulary that expresses negative rather than positive emotions.

The words you choose could mean the difference between failure and success. The first thing you must focus in choosing more carefully your words is to envision the impact of the change on your world. How are your plans for achieving your goals affected? Let's look at some common negative words we use and how we can make better choices.

Remember, positive words are powerful, positive affirmations. They can replace any subconscious cues that have the potential to sabotage your success in life. Become more aware of the negative words you say and try to catch yourself saying them.

Words have the power to play a destructive or constructive role in your life. I hope I have helped to bring more awareness to the power of words that flow from you and the impact it has on your world. Always remember to THINK before you discharge your words.

Power Within The Spoken Word

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sympathy Words - How to Write Words of Sympathy in Cards and Letters

Sympathy words in a letter or sympathy card can be an encouraging ray of light to someone who has recently lost a loved one. After a death, things can seem bleak and depressing, and words of sympathy are often a helpful way for the bereaved to cope with their loss. Receiving mail from friends and loved ones showing that they care in a difficult time is a great source of comfort.

As a friend of the bereaved, however, finding the right sympathy words to show how much you care can be difficult. has free examples of sympathy words and sayings you can use to help you write your own sympathy card or letter.

As Words

Finding the right sympathy words, although not an easy task, is well worth the time and effort you'll spend. The survivor will receive many pre-printed sympathy words in the form of cards and other greetings, but very few handwritten sympathy messages. By taking the time to write your own words of sympathy on a purchased greeting card, you're showing your friend that they're special to you and that you sincerely want to help them through a difficult time. Your words of comfort and support will serve as a reminder of your love for the deceased, and may be treasured for years to come.

Sympathy Words - How to Write Words of Sympathy in Cards and Letters

Tips for Writing Sympathy Words

When you sit down to compose your letter or card, be transparent about your feelings. Don't feel that you need to "dress up" your words, use flowery language, or be excessively fancy. Instead, write your sympathy message as if you're speaking to your friend face-to-face. They'll appreciate a genuine message from your heart more than a contrived sympathy message that you had to work to write. There are many sample sympathy words for cards and letters available online that can give you a clear idea of what to write.

If you're sending a card, you can either write your message on the non-printed area inside, or jot it on a piece of stationary and tuck it into the card. If writing a letter, take the time to pen it by hand. Don't send a sympathy letter printed on the computer or a card with your signature pre-printed - you want the sympathy message to be as personal as possible.

Send your sympathy words in a timely manner. A general rule of thumb is to mail out the card or letter no more than two weeks after the death. This generally means that your words of sympathy will arrive shortly after the funeral - a time when your loved one will need them most. If you've procrastinated, however, don't feel as though you cannot send your sympathy message. Your heartfelt words are sure to be appreciated, even if they're a bit delayed.

Words of Sympathy to Include in Your Message

There are some basic elements that should always be included in a sympathy letter. By including all of these elements, you'll end up with a nicely written sympathy letter each time you need one, without struggling to find the right words.

First, you should sincerely express your sympathy for your loved one's loss. Mention the deceased by name, and refer to them casually or by a nickname if appropriate. Avoid using overly formal language if you had a friendly relationship.

Secondly, include a memory of the deceased if possible. Mention their character strengths or endearing qualities, and demonstrate to the survivor that their loved one will be missed.

Last, choose a personal closing for your letter. Use words that show the reader that they're in your thoughts, such as "Wishing you Peace" or "Thinking of You". Generic greeting such as "Sincerely", while appropriate, lack a personal touch.

Sympathy words can be difficult to write, but are always appreciated. By taking the time to write genuine words of sympathy and send them to your loved one, you're demonstrating how much you care and showing them that their family member will be missed. By using these tips and guidelines, you can craft sympathy words that will encourage and comfort your friends and family in difficult times.

Sympathy Words - How to Write Words of Sympathy in Cards and Letters

Saturday, February 18, 2012

English Word Stress - Stressing Two Syllable Words Correctly

When I bring up the topic of word stress to a group of non-native, English-speaking professionals, I'm usually met by blank stares. Word stress plays a minimal role among non-native speakers, but an enormous role in the intelligibility of your spoken English when speaking with native English speakers across borders.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Let's look at a simple example. The word calendar can be broken down into 3 syllables: cal-en-dar. Of these three syllables, one is stressed more than the others, meaning it is said louder, longer, at a higher pitch, and/or with a purer vowel sound. In this case, the stressed syllable is the first one: CAL-en-dar. In Singapore for example, this word stress has changed to the second syllable, so it is common to hear it pronounced cal-EN-dar. This pronunciation has little resemblance to the standard one, and this is why native English speakers might have a really hard time making the connection.

As Words

There are many differences between Singapore English word stress and standard word stress. In this short article, I would just like to focus on one small piece in this puzzle: 2-syllable words. These words are so short it's surprising that a simple shift in word stress can make such a huge difference - but it does.

English Word Stress - Stressing Two Syllable Words Correctly

2-syllable nouns and adjectives

Most 2-syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on the first syllable.

In Singapore however, this stress is often moved to the second syllable, or both syllables are given equal stress. Some words I often hear in Singapore are collEAGUE (instead of COLLeague) and purCHASE (instead of PURchase). This pattern of word stress is so ingrained in Singaporeans, many will fight me on this point until they are blue in the face (if we don't find a dictionary before then).

And it's not just Singaporeans! My husband, a non-Singaporean and non-native English speaker, came home the other day and told me he had to write up a few purCHASE orders. When I corrected his pronunciation, he completely resisted and declared that this time, I was definitely wrong! I asked him where he learned this word, and when he said, "From my collEAGUES!" I decided to give up.

2-syllable verbs

2-syllable nouns, when used as verbs, shift their stress to the second syllable.

The majority of nouns that also have a verb form (eg: progress, present, object, produce, record) will be stressed on the first syllable when used as a noun, and the second syllable when used as a verb. Take for example the word progress. Watch how the stress changes depending on how the word is used.

We are making great PROgress in this field. (noun)

New technologies are helping us to proGRESS in this field. (verb)

Unfortunately for us, there are many exceptions to this rule. Some words will remain the same (keeping stress on the first syllable), such as answer, picture, travel, visit and several others.

Remember the old taxi booking recording? "Please do not hang up. We are proCESSing your booking now." According to our general rule, this pronunciation would make sense, but unfortunately, the word process is an exception. Listen carefully the next time you order your taxi. You'll notice that they now use the proper pronunciation, 'PROcessing.'

If you had never heard about word stress before this article, please don't get too stressed out! The good news is that non-native English speakers pay little attention to word stress when speaking English with each other. Ironically, it's only the native English speakers that get confused! If you find that native speakers are having trouble understanding you, pay special attention to how you are stressing your words. Sometimes it isn't what you say, but how you say it that matters!

English Word Stress - Stressing Two Syllable Words Correctly

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Words For Thank You Notes - Thoughtful Words to Express Your Thanks

It's highly important that you choose the best words for thank you notes. After all, you want to let people know how much you appreciate what they have done or given you. A simple thank you isn't going to cut it anymore.

Choosing words for thank you notes isn't that hard. You can be as creative as you want to be, depending on the person you intend to send the message to. If you have a couple of thank you notes to send, here are some words you might find useful.

As Words

1) I can never thank you enough... But I'll try! Thank you so much!

Words For Thank You Notes - Thoughtful Words to Express Your Thanks

This one is more lighthearted and is perfect if you're writing to someone who did you a favor. It's simple, sincere and a funny enough to be considered memorable. Sometimes, the best words for thank you notes are the simplest. But don't just stop at saying thank you though!

2) Thank you for this gift, and for the gift of knowing you.

People like to know that they're appreciated. If someone sends you a gift, this line would probably be the best. It takes away all the materialism of the actual present and instead highlights the more meaningful side of gift giving.

3) I'll think of you every time I use it.

If you happen to receive presents that aren't exactly to your liking, you should use these words for your thank you notes. It's still the truth, but you phrased it a little differently so as not to hurt anybody's feelings.

Choosing the best words for thank you notes can be a bit daunting at first, especially when you have to write so many. However, with the sample listed above, I hope that you'll be able to add more meaning to your notes rather than just a common thank you.

Words For Thank You Notes - Thoughtful Words to Express Your Thanks

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Learn to Speak Basic Chinese (Mandarin) Words and Phrases

The Chinese Language and dialects

Each province, each city and even each village speaks their own dialect. There are hundreds of Chinese dialects in China so much so that each dialect speaker is not likely to understand another dialect speaker from another village or city. Fortunately, Mandarin, the official dialect, is understood by all dialect speakers.

As Words

Let's learn a few useful basic and common Mandarin words and phrases that will help you break barriers with your Chinese friends.

How are You? -Ni Hao Ma

Also commonly shorten to Ni Hao.

This is likely to be the first Mandarin phrase that you will ever learn. Useful as a greeting or a ice-breaker. Suitable for use with all ages and professions.

Thank You -Xie Xie.

Another polite term that is easy to remember and use.

Very Good -Hen Hao.

This is useful when giving praise for a job or task well done. Also useful as a reply to anyone who says "Ni Hao Ma?' to you.

Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)

Hen Hao (Very Good)

No Good -Bu Hao.

This is useful when there is a need to comment on a shoddy or incomplete job or task. Can also be used as a reply to Ni Hao Ma? but may not be such a good reply.

Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)

Bu Hao (No Good)

Very Expensive -Hen Gui.

When bargaining at the shops, this is the best term to use when driving a hard bargain.

Don't want or No -Bu Yao.

This is the best term to use for touts - street hawkers who approach you at every tourist stop to ask you to buy things. Bu Yao....will stop them in their track.

This is beautiful -Hen Piao Liang.

Use this phrase to praise something that is nice or beautiful. May also be used when meeting a pretty girl too!

Taxi -De Shi.

De Shi is the correct term but you should be understood even if you use the English word for Taxi. They sound alike anyway.

Good Bye or See You Again -Zai Jian.

Well, I guess this is another term that will be easily understood even if the English word is used.

Excuse Me -Jie Guo.

There is always a crowd in touristy areas. There are so many Chinese who wants to see the same monuments too. Rather than push your way through the crowd, using the term Jie Guo may just open the path ahead for you!

Receipt -Fa Piao.

Always ask for the receipt or Fa Piao at the shops or from a taxi. This may be useful if you need to complain about a fraud or shoddy product. Also useful if you leave behind your bag or camera in the taxi.

I don't want -Wo Bu Yao.

Useful when refusing a tout or when offered a drink too many at the Dinner table.

Learn to Speak Basic Chinese (Mandarin) Words and Phrases

Friday, February 10, 2012

Q Words With No U - Perfect Scrabble Words

There are certain letters in Scrabble which are really hard to use, and the letter Q is one of the toughest. Q is one of the least frequently used letters in the English language, and the majority of the words that you can make with Q require that you also have a letter U. This article takes a look at some of the options you have to make a Q word when a U isn't available.

To start with, many experts recommend that you get rid of your Q tile as quickly as possible. To this end, there is a two letter Q word that is a legal scrabble word - QI. This is one of the most useful words in the entire Scrabble dictionary as it gives you the option of getting rid of the Q tile early in the game, and with the potential to rack up a lot of points. If you play the QI tile on a triple letter or triple word tile, and overlap the letters so that you make the word QI twice you can create a word worth more than sixty points!

As Words

If there is no I tile available here are some Q without U words that can help you if you get stuck. If you have an abundance of A tiles, try making QABALA (an alternate spelling of Kabbalah) or QANAT (a type of well). Some simpler words include TRANQ (An abbreviation of "tranquilizer") or QORMA (an alternative spelling of Korma - a delicious Indian dish).

If you don't feel like attempting one of these more esoteric words, a short useful Q without U word is QAT (A tropical plant). With twelve A tiles available in the game of Scrabble, it should be a word that's available to you. If none of these options are available, then as a last resort you can always swap the Q tile for another one and pass your turn, but I would recommend holding out for an I tile and playing QI - just don't get stuck with the Q at the end of the game or the points can be deducted from your final score.

Q Words With No U - Perfect Scrabble Words

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Love Language Part 1 - Words of Affirmation

Verbal compliments, or words of affirmation, are powerful communicators of love. They are best expressed in simple, straightforward statements of affirmation, such as:

"You look sharp in that suit."

As Words

"Do you ever look nice in that dress! Wow!"

"You must be the best potato cook in the world. I love these potatoes."

"I really appreciate you washing the dishes tonight."

"Thanks for getting the baby-sitter lined up for tonight. I want you to know that I don't take that for granted."

"I really appreciate your taking the garbage out."

What would happen to the emotional climate of a marriage if the husband or the wife heard such words of affirmation regularly?

Within every language, there are many dialects. Here below you will find just a few but in the end you need to understand your spouse's dialect.

Verbal compliments: read above

Encouraging words:

The word encourage means 'to inspire courage'. Infuse your spouse with encouraging words in areas of insecurity.

Kind words: Love is kind. If then we are to communicate love verbally, we must use kind words. That has to do with the way we speak. The same sentence can have two different meanings, depending on how you say it.

Humble words: Love makes requests, not demands. The way we express those desires is all-important. If we make known our needs as requests, we are giving guidance, not ultimatums.

If your spouse's love language is WORDS OF AFFIRMATION:

To remind yourself that 'Words of Affirmation' is your spouse's primary love language, print the following on a 3x5 card and put it on a mirror or other place where you will see it daily: Words are important! Words are important! Words are important! For one week keep a written record of all the words of affirmation you give your spouse each day. At the end of the week, sit down wit your spouse and review your record. On Monday I said: "You did a great job on this meal." "You really look nice in that outfit." "I really appreciate your picking up the laundry." On Tuesday I said: ... Set a goal to give your spouse a different compliment each day for one month. If "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," maybe a compliment a day will keep the counsellor away. You may want to record these compliments also, so you will not duplicate the statements. As you read the newspaper, magazines, and books, or watch TV or listen to radio, look for words of affirmation which people use. Observe people in conversation. Write those affirming statements in a notebook. (If they are cartoons, clip and paste them in your notebook.) Read through these periodically and select those you could us with your spouse. When you use one, note the date on which you used it. Your notebook may become your love book. Remember, words are important! Write a love letter, a love paragraph, or a love sentence to your spouse, and give it quietly or with fanfare! (Chances are, when he dies, you will find your love letter tucked away in some special place.) Words are important! Compliment your spouse in the presence of his parents or friends. You will get double credit: Your spouse will feel loved and the parents will feel lucky to have such a great son-in-law or daughter-in-law. Look for your spouse's strengths and tell her how much you appreciate those strengths. Chances are she will work hard to live up to the reputation. Tell your children how great their mother of father is. Do this behind your spouse's back and in her presence. Write a poem describing how you feel about your spouse. If you are not a poet, choose a card that expresses how you feel. Underline special words and add a few of your own at the end. If you find speaking "Words of Affirmation" is difficult for you, practice in front of a mirror. Use a cue card if you must, and remember, words are important.

(Please also refer to the book 'The five Love Languages' by Gary Chapman)

Love Language Part 1 - Words of Affirmation