Friday, February 10, 2012

Q Words With No U - Perfect Scrabble Words

There are certain letters in Scrabble which are really hard to use, and the letter Q is one of the toughest. Q is one of the least frequently used letters in the English language, and the majority of the words that you can make with Q require that you also have a letter U. This article takes a look at some of the options you have to make a Q word when a U isn't available.

To start with, many experts recommend that you get rid of your Q tile as quickly as possible. To this end, there is a two letter Q word that is a legal scrabble word - QI. This is one of the most useful words in the entire Scrabble dictionary as it gives you the option of getting rid of the Q tile early in the game, and with the potential to rack up a lot of points. If you play the QI tile on a triple letter or triple word tile, and overlap the letters so that you make the word QI twice you can create a word worth more than sixty points!

As Words

If there is no I tile available here are some Q without U words that can help you if you get stuck. If you have an abundance of A tiles, try making QABALA (an alternate spelling of Kabbalah) or QANAT (a type of well). Some simpler words include TRANQ (An abbreviation of "tranquilizer") or QORMA (an alternative spelling of Korma - a delicious Indian dish).

If you don't feel like attempting one of these more esoteric words, a short useful Q without U word is QAT (A tropical plant). With twelve A tiles available in the game of Scrabble, it should be a word that's available to you. If none of these options are available, then as a last resort you can always swap the Q tile for another one and pass your turn, but I would recommend holding out for an I tile and playing QI - just don't get stuck with the Q at the end of the game or the points can be deducted from your final score.

Q Words With No U - Perfect Scrabble Words

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