Words are a manifesting power that is one level closer to manifesting in form than is the power of thought. A next level that is even closer to form is the manifesting power of deed or action. A 'closer level' does not mean it has more power, but rather, it is another step of the process of making manifest our intentions. Intention is expressed first in emotion, and then in thought, followed by word, and lastly in deed, which is the step that completes or 'receives' the manifestation.
Intention à Emotion à Thought à Word à Deed à Manifestation in Form
As Words
Our emotions arise on our intentions(1) in a manner akin to dreaming. Our thoughts, when not consciously directed arise out of an inner necessity bound to our personal past and the past of the collective mind. Word and deed are the completing steps that bring to manifestation our evolution or 'devolution' according to our intention (love or fear) and level of conscious awareness. When we are not evolving, we are devolving; there is no standstill in life. While word and deed are the most 'conscious', when we are not consciously choosing our experience, all steps are carried out at various levels of unconsciousness. You may picture a cycle--from intention to emotion, through to thought, then to word and deed-- that can spiral downward into degeneration or upward into evolution according to whether we are conscious or unconscious at each step of the way.
At every step along the evolutionary spiral of conscious awareness (a step being either intention, emotion, thought, word or deed), we are required to exert power of intention that is consciously willed. And so at every step, there is an element of choice that can either lend greater power to the process (with conscious intention), or weaken or cancel existing momentum (when we fall into unconsciousness). So at each step, we either cause the acceleration or deceleration of our manifestations. It's not enough to set intention consciously; you have to follow through and monitor emotion, thought, word and deed and bring clear intention at each level. When powerful intention is behind every level of manifestation, everything you do moves you toward the goal, and the manifestation process is greatly accelerated. Our power of manifestation comes from all of these components, and at each step of the way we have an opportunity to correct or renew the momentum we have created. All these steps support the time lag of physical manifestation, and so long as we are semi-conscious creators, this drawn out process is a blessing.
Conscious intention drives the will, which sets the process of manifestation into motion as an upward trend of conscious evolution. In the upward spiral, love is the ingredient that ensures expansion and alignment to a Higher Will--imbued with love, thoughts become wisdom, emotions merge with the Creative Principle, and words and deeds become powerful manifesting commands.(2) Unconscious will or intention, on the other hand, causes a devolutionary process into the ego mind. In this downward spiral, emotions serve the addictions of the emotional body and to a degree the ego mind, thoughts foster limitation and are ego serving, and words and deeds, though lacking in power, are often destructive and supportive of force rather than power in creation (e.g. via manipulation, domination, etc).
Words are manifesting commands to the subconscious mind, which responds by finding what is a vibrational match to those words. The subconscious mind learns by repetition and so word habits are a powerful way to reprogram it to ally with you in manifesting your desires. Although the subconscious mind has far greater power than the conscious mind, it does not have control; it is the conscious mind that must initiate change. This may be likened to a CEO presiding over a large cooperation. The work force has greater power but relies on the wise direction from the CEO. It is thus advisable to target for elimination all negative or limiting word habits. You must learn to say what you intend, or rather, learn to intend consciously and speak words aligned to that, in order to have this level of manifestation work in your favour, because the subconscious mind will take you literally. Several word habits to be reprogrammed are discussed below.
The 7 Negative Words or Word Habits to Eliminate and How to Reprogram Them
1. Trying
I heard somewhere that "trying is lying". Saying "I'll try" is a very weak commitment that has an escape clause that "I may not succeed". So when we say we'll try, the subtext is that we may well fail, or "don't count on it".(3) "I'll try to lose weight" really means, "losing weight is very difficult for me and I might not be able to"; "I'll try to do this program" really means, "the work is too demanding and I probably won't persevere".
Whenever you catch yourself saying, "I'll try", stop and decide what your real intention is. Then either commit one way or another: "I will because it means a lot to me", or "I won't because my desire for that is not strong enough to overcome the inertia that exists around the issue". Be honest with yourself and you won't have nearly so much pulling you down in terms of failure. When you commit to others, either say no or "I'll do my best" and mean it. It's much better to say you won't, because then your energy is clearly disconnected from that thing, and may be directed into something you are willing to commit to. When you 'try' your energy is connected, but it's not creating a clear forward motion, which ends up acting as an energy drain and becomes fodder for the ego's guilt.
2. Can't
Saying "I can't do" sends the subconscious mind searching for supporting evidence. And it will supply you with all the reasons you can't, deepening your sense of being incapable. The subconscious mind never fails you. The more you use "I can't", the more you will perceive and experience limitation. When you say, "I can't", pause and tune into what's going on. You may be afraid to and feeling incompetent to the task, or thinking of past attempts where you did not succeed, or thinking of current circumstances that are preventing you...whatever the case. Ask yourself if you would like to be able to. If so, do some exercises to open up to new potential. Write a list of all the ways in which it might be possible for you to do. Write all the feelings that 'being able to' would engender in you. Write down all the traits or energies you feel you would need to be able to give it your best shot, or would need to allow yourself to 'can do'.
Example: "I can't afford it."
Would you like to be able to afford it? If so, do the following:
· Write a list of all the ways in which it might be possible to obtain it. This gets your subconscious mind looking for ways in which you can afford it. E.g. It is gifted to me, unexpected streams of money flow into my life, my dead stocks come to life, I land an incredible contract... anything that may be, depending on the item or situation. Even if your list is trivial or far out, the act of doing it breaks the inertia and gets the subconscious mind working on it.
· Next, write down all the feelings you would experience by having that...(blessed, supported by unseen forces, elated, amazed, content, etc.). Immerse in those feelings every so often. If you have the Affirmation Enhancer Tool (see below for information on this tool), make up suitable affirmations so that you easily embody those feelings.
· And lastly, and very importantly, write down the traits or energies you might need to make it happen. E.g. Feeling deserving, positivity, courage and freedom to forge into unknown territory, sense of feeling supported, faith, feeling capable, belief in self, and so forth. For all you have uncovered, formulate a complete set of affirmations that will anchor all those traits in you now. Integrating the energies will be accelerated with the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. Do the affirmations for a suitable length of time, until you notice a shift in your thinking and behaviors.
If you don't have time to do the exercise, at the very least change your words. Make the "I can't" into the past ("I couldn't") and ensure that you leave yourself open in the now for new potential.
"I couldn't afford it, but my wealth consciousness is improving every day!" or "I couldn't afford it, but I am now open to ways in which I can afford it."
If your children are asking for something you'd really love to get for them, don't teach them "we can't afford it". That is an edict to the subconscious that it shall be so! But rather say, "I'm finding ways to make it happen". This leaves you open and does not thwart desire in your children. Your new statement commands your subconscious mind to find ways. Remember, your subconscious mind has incredible power--you don't have to figure out how, you just have to open to what.
3. Should or Have to
Whenever we state, "I should" or "I have to", we speak as though there is an outside authority acting over us. This creates an inner resistance or at the very least, a sense of having to 'measure up'. In both cases, we set up an unconscious rebellion within. Furthermore, it is a denial one's inner authority and conscience, as though we need to be told what to do. This is disempowering, as we don't get to exercise the power of choice from our own volition. When you find yourself saying "I should", or "I have to", stop and take notice. Then ask yourself, "Do I want to do this or don't I? And, "What does that say of me?" If you do, then restate it as an "I want to". If you don't, then also state that choice clearly in your mind. Change all shoulds into conscious wanting to (wanting to do it or wanting to not do it, i.e. wanting another choice).
E.g. you are at a party and "should" leave because it's late and you have a lot of things to do the next day. Stop and ask, "Do I want to leave or don't I?" You may find, "Yes, I really do want to leave in order to ensure that tomorrow is productive because that's most important to me." At another time, you may feel, "No, tomorrow is not nearly as important as the connections to others I'm making and the enjoyment I'm having at this party. I choose to stay."
While there is no right or wrong choice (e.g. to stay or leave), there is a right way to do things that expands one's self-awareness and sense of inner authority, and a wrong way that creates inner tension and resistance.
4. Needing to Change a Negative
When you feel you need to change something, rather than needing to move away from a perceived negative, change it into wanting to move towards MORE of a positive.
For example, "I need to earn money", or even "I need to earn more money" is moving away from the negative 'not earning enough money'. The following statements rewords it in two ways, "How can I earn EVEN MORE money". You are now augmenting from already 'earning money'.
This applies to anything. "I need to get my act together" becomes "How can I do things in an EVEN MORE organized and effective manner?"
We're focusing on use of language here, but to continue with the process, you could write down all the ways in which you could 'earn even more money', 'do things in an even more organized and effective manner', etc. You would list all and any ideas that come to mind, no matter how obscure or unlikely. You can keep this list with you, and read it daily and add to it if new ideas come to mind. This gets the subconscious mind working even more diligently on finding solutions to your quest. The subconscious mind always elaborates on what you repeatedly direct your attention to. So you've effectively stated the what, and kick started the subconscious mind to start working on the how. From you long list, you've also increased your belief in the possibility of these things happening. And the desired changes will now begin to manifest in your reality at an accelerated pace.
If you have the Affirmation Enhancer Tool (see below for more details), you can also formulate a few affirmations to support these desired changes and say them daily for some time to accelerate things.
5. Needing a Negative to Change in Someone Else
The above process also holds in the case of needing someone to change for you. Rather than thinking, "He's so pessimistic and negative, I can't stand it and he needs to change!", or "She's so sloppy and I can't pick up after her anymore" with the implication "she needs to change", reframe your wording so you are moving towards something positive with the person.
"How can I support him in becoming happy?" is a good reframe. Now you may resist this reframe, thinking he's the problem, but this is not helpful to you. When you see and verbalize things as problems, they will remain problems for you. When you understand that your role is to consciously choose what you wish to experience in life, you can drop your habit of seeing what's in outer reality as fixed and start to see it as fluid and 'becoming' whatever you desire it to become. (This is discussed it the article, Seeing the Wonderful Becoming in Things, in the second series of Empowerment articles).
Again, making a list of all the ways in which you may support him in becoming happy will change your energy around the person and invite new ways of being for both of you. In the second example, "How can I support her towards becoming neater and more organized?" might be appropriate. Doing the list may be a challenge, and the process may reveal to you the ways in which you have traits that you are seeking to change in others. But I don't want to digress here.
Reframing moving away from a negative into something that moves toward a positive will awaken in you a connection to the power of your words as manifesting commands. "How can I support him in becoming happy" will completely change your energy in the instant--it can diffuse your pent up old anger energy and make you realize that there are no observers in life, only participants. And this major shift is initiated by the power of your words. Try it on some loaded issue with someone and experience the power for yourself!
Note: If you don't experience the profound shift, it's because you are locked in with your intention, to experiencing the negative in the other person. In other words, your subconscious intention is to have that person be negative for you. This too is revealing as to the power we wield in our reality, as your intention is also a level of creative energy. (Changing intention is a topic of another article. See Clarity and Purpose and the Three Little Known Secrets of Manifestation, in the first series of Empowerment articles.)
6- Verbal Implications
A verbal implication is a statement of an outcome occurring from a specific circumstance.
"I get cranky when I haven't had a good night's sleep."
"My back always hurts when I go on long drives."
"I'm fried--I've been with clients all day."
"I get tired every day in mid afternoon."
"I can't think; I've only had 3 hours of sleep."
"Whenever I'm around that person, I feel agitated."
"My ankle hurts when I walk on concrete, because my break has never healed properly."
As expressed by Excelex, "the verbalization of false associations and justification pre-programs the manifestation."(4) And thus, when one verbalizes an association or justification, it is inevitable that it manifests when the conditions are present. If you consider that all form in matter exists as probability in waveform in every moment before it is manifest in particle form, there is a moment of creation that is continually happening as if in a suspended time or 'no time'. Our habitual associations, implications, expectations, prognostications and justifications are what keeps us recreating the same things--patterns of dysfunctions, apparent symptoms, limitations, etc.--over and over again.
In the above examples, you program yourself to be a certain way whenever certain conditions exist. It is known by many that the diagnostic and prognostic conflicts are a large contributor to negative outcomes in illness. Those who 'beat' the odds are typically people who have taken matters in their own hands and have emancipated from reliance on authority, and forged their path of healing with very strong intention. Everything in form is continually recreated according to thought that directs it. Anything can be healed and all trends can be altered.
Make new verbal implications that are positive, and undo the negative programming. E.g. "I love going on long drives and I get to relax my back." "My back feels great at all times and especially on long drives." "In mid afternoon I enjoy a new surge of energy."
When you catch yourself making a negative verbal implications, say or think "Cancel", and then rephrase it with a positive implication. (And if you have it, run the Affirmation Enhancer Tool while you state the positive verbal implication).
7- I AM - Negatives
The words "I AM" are the most powerful, commanding words we can speak. Each time they are used, our affirmed reality is infused with universal creative energies to support the manifestation. When you say I AM with a negative, that negative reality is immediately reinforced.
Another consideration when you speak "I am [negative]" is what is your intention? "I am really tired today", "Oh, I'm so stupid", "I'm really angry", ... all these statements are declarations to whoever is present, to expect or not expect something from us. There is always a verbal implication when we voice negative "I AM" statements.
For example, "I am really tired today" is a declaration to others to not expect us to perform at our usual level, or maybe it's a warning that we plan to be irritable or impatient. The verbal implication may be, "I am tired therefore I won't perform well", or "I am tired, therefore I will be impatient and irritable". So we are planning to be a certain way and are 'warning' others about it. Not only are we hooked into this negative reality, but now we have others hooked into it as well.
"Oh, I'm so stupid", is a plea for others to not judge our stupidity because we've taken care of the judgment already. It may also hold a declaration to others not to expect us to do things well. But it invites others to look at our stupidity and the reality is strengthened by everyone's attention to it.
Have you ever had someone say to you, "Man, you look awful today", or "You must be tired, you have dark circles under your eyes", etc. What did that do to your energy? Likely, you experienced an energy drop or deflation of your energy field. That's because you bought into their reality about you, thereby making it stronger. But if you are consciously cancelling all negatives, you would not even consider their negative reality and would remain unaffected. Negative realities gain in strength by the number of people partaking in them.
Avoid all negative "I AM" statements; there is absolutely no need of them. If you really feel you need to share with people, then word it differently, and sub-vocalize a positive reframe for the situation. "My energy is low..." and you can sub-vocalize "but it's getting stronger with every breath I take. My body is being restored to a state of great vitality and I have great focus".
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1. Glenda Green. Love Without End, Jesus Speaks. Spiritis Publishing. 2002. p. 172
2. Excelex. Karma Release Technique: Activation of the Template of Light. The Living Wordtm 2001. p. 51-52
3. Weissman, D. The Power of Infinite Gratitude Love & Gratitude. Hay House Inc. 2005. P. 51
4. Excelex. Karma Release Technique: Activation of the Template of Light. The Living Wordtm 2001. p.53
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The Spirituality of Wealth
This report was excerpted from The Spirituality of Wealth, a program to develop the consciousness of abundance that contains activations of the Inner Mastery Tools and the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. The Spirituality of Wealth Program (SOWP) was developed to expand on the principles presented in the book, The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles, which was inspirational to the movie, The Secret. Wattles' book covers the major components of manifestation and requires careful study in order that the principles may be put into practice with assured success. The SOWP program offers in depth background and rationale for the principles presented in the SOGR, as well as practical exercises and sets of trigger affirmations and vibrationally encoded images to assist in integrating the principles deeply and implementing them in daily life.
The Affirmation Enhancer Tool
The Affirmation Enhancer Tool may be regarded as 'etheric software' that clears all that stands in the way of integrating an affirmation energetically. The Tool enables a person to embody the energy of the affirmation instantaneously, at deep levels of being. It does this by dissolving the back-wash of opposing thoughts, hidden agendas and unmet needs that often underlie affirmations, cleansing the subconscious mind of all memories, programs and patterns that do not support the affirmation, releasing emotional and mental body patterns and programs that support the denial of the affirmation, and infusing the body, heart, mind and soul with divine ideal traits that will support deep integration of the truth of the affirmation. Accelerated manifestation is further enhanced by the creation of an imagination in the auric field that acts as future potential drawing a person to that affirmed reality. The tool provides on-going energetic support for 21 days, activating clearing and strengthening the imagination automatically whenever thoughts run counter to the affirmed reality.
The Power of Words as Manifesting Commands
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